leia shot first

I get woozy after seeing blood, even if it’s not my own. I get tunnel vision and my blood pressure drops a bit, so I start to pass out if I don’t sit down and put my head between my legs. It’s weird. Usually though, once the initial nausea wave passes, I’m better.

Yes!! All of those, plus The Big Chill. Hated the movie, loved the soundtrack.

I listened to this soundtrack obsessively. It’s so good!!

For once in real life I just want a rich guy to be the good guy.

“The affable billionaire will undoubtedly evolve into a supervillain, because... just look at him and his bio: He’s a super-rich, genius scientist who grew up on his super-rich grandparents’ 25,000-acre farm in Texas.”

I’ve never seen Quarantine!

I was really impressed with it too. I rewatched it last Halloween and was surprised on how much it still scared me. The cave people weren’t even necessary. They could’ve all just gone crazy getting lost in those caves.

OMFG right?!? When she tells the rest she was hoping they could map the UNDISCOVERED UNMAPPED cave system themselves, together as BFFs I was like, OH HELL NO BITCH. That is the most fucked up thing EVER and you would so not be my friend ever. Also, she fucked that one chick’s dead husband so.... not doing so well on

He was also a brown guy. I repeat: JESUS WAS NOT WHITE.

Tried to flag this comment, but there’s no option to report for “didn’t read the article and is the worst.”

“Jesus would have been Alt-Right”

Yes, that’s true of course. But religious schools in particular have care blanche to basically deal with situations on their own without informing authorities. They could, for instance, claim in court that it’s their religious and constitutional right to police the school the way they see fit. And that works a lot of

OMG, you win!

Ugh, that book was so good. Such a mind fuck.

Only if you want rats to follow you.

I already typed this in a comment above but this reminds me of The Descent. That shit is fucking so scary and I don’t understand why anyone would want to try anything like that. It’s not the skeletons or cave people or anything like that, it’s the dark, cold, claustrophobic stuff that gets me.

I always found the cave part of The Descent to be one of the scariest things I’ve ever watched. Once the cave people came it became less so, but that lost-in-the-dark claustrophobia is so, so terrifying.

“I am also known to edit killer cop pictures to properly reflect their true natures.”

That’s so backwards. Why would you retake the entire course because you missed a final? That makes no sense.

That’s great that you were a foster parent for many years. If you had kids now, you’d know that “school choice” often isn’t an actual choice. You’d know that when you have to choose between sending your kid to an unsafe, underfunded neighborhood school or a charter school, it’s not actually a choice if you care about