leia shot first

Here’s something I’d really like to know: Do you think we’ll be able to switch between first and third person like in Fallout 3?

Do you really consider a little bit for personal consumption “smuggling”? Because the TSA doesn’t.

I think I remember simply punching the boys of my own age when they would say things to me about my body. I never really felt that uncomfortable around them, but yeah, the older men thing was SO GROSS.

No matter what puberty hands her, make sure she knows the attention isn’t flattery, and help her understand she can turn to you for help when she needs it. She’s allowed to feel uncomfortable, she’s allowed to hate catcalling, she’s allowed to shut that shit down. My mom, through no fault of her own, made me feel like

When I was 12, summer before 8th grade started, my mom took me to Disneyland, just the two of us. I wore a baseball cap, kinda short jean shorts, and a baggy t-shirt with Bugs Bunny on it that I had tucked into my shorts and poofed out a bit like a dork. I had a short bob. I remember being checked out so effing much

Ummm only if you’re pro-rape.


...the unfortunate fact that its fuel economy ratings place me somewhere on the environmentalist watch list between “baby seal killer” and “guy who throws away entire piece of paper when there’s only a small mark on it.”


It doesn't depend on context. Nope, nope, nope. Always offensive.

Dude, unless you're British and referring to a cigarette or an old-timey dude referring to a chopped piece of wood, it's always a slur. Calling someone "fag" is always derogatory.

Actually, I never have! But all you need to do is hop on an online multiplayer game, too.

Yeah, ok sure. Some teens have to "grow up" and mature faster than others. Sometimes things happen to force you to face yourself in the mirror and change what you see.

At the time, I was like 15, and I was like "Yeah, I'm trolling 'em!" They're like "No, you're not. You're not trolling anyone. You're being a dick." And I was like "Damn, dude. Fuck. He's right."

Put a lock on your account and make it so no one can call in about your account—at all. They can't call in, they can't even get your first name, they can't get the first digit of your account number, they can't call in about any issues. Once you have your ISP setup, call those motherfuckers every day until they do it.

I wasn't talking about the sweatshirt. The sweatshirt was in poor taste, but at least a bit more understandable (TLDR: I agree with you). This blanket/tapestry thing is literally unbelievable. Do hipsters at UO even know what the Holocaust is?

Seriously. The amount of people this had to go through to make it to the store... It's mind boggling no one said, "Hmm, this reminds me of something..."

One anti-vax opinion I'd never heard before until recently was from one of Larry Wilmore's correspondents. He said that as a black man, after learning about the Tuskegee Experiments as a child, he will never trust shots mandated by the government. It was the one and only anti-vax opinion I didn't have any answer to