
MEDIOCRE!”  - never more apt.

Oof, parvo. Our rescued puppy had that, spent a week at the vet on an I.V., and made it through. I can’t imagine having a whole boatload of dogs come down with that at the same time!

Am I wrong for wanting to see the Side Pole Test done on a circa-1960 GM X-frame car?

Last year I did a 15-1/2 hour flight from New Delhi to Newark in the 3rd-to-last row of Unhappy Baby Airlines. I think I had PTSD by the time we disembarked.

The tailgate pivot point shares the hinge pins with the main dump body. I am intrigued!  I think I have never seen that before.

Aww. Grumpy Cat was the inspiration for my best jack-o-lantern ever.

Nazareth native here! Boyhood home was 3 miles from the track, back when it was dirt. I kinda miss the distinctive roar we’d hear from town on summer nights when they’d drop the flag.

Some un-greyed person please post Bill Mauldin’s WWII cartoon of the sergeant putting down his Jeep!

I was stopped on a two lane off-ramp behind some traffic; both lanes had to turn right onto an overpass. Front left vehicle was a semi-trailer that was slowly starting a right turn on red. Front guy in the right lane (in an old Doge Dart-looking car) gets impatient and pulls forwards to make his right turn. He stops

I bet they wanted to keep the normal drop handle centrally positioned, so the split line had to be off center.

I had a Mk 2 Golf. Can confirm about the cardboardy door cards disintegrating. And that was my only vehicle where I’ve had to replace the *fusebox* due to corrosion issues.

My one beef with my wife’s KitchenAid mixer is how damn loud it is. I encourage her to wear hearing protection when she has a batch of dough kneading in it.

So do any 2018 Mazda6's exist with the 6-speed *and* power adjust seats? I DD a manual 2011 iSport that I bought used 3 years ago and it has zilch as far as options. Just wondering if Mazda still has the mindset of manual therefore no amenities.

Along those lines, did the owner write the “E36" on the side with a Sharpie or is that actually a factory graphic??

Back in the early 90's I managed to get two speeding tickets 51 weeks apart, like an idiot. Had to go take a test to keep my license.

Ah, the 90's.  When even the cars had, shall we say, lower back tattoos.

I approve of the vertical video orientation for a change!

It sure looks like the pilot does a double-take at 0:33.
Then there’s an additional beat where his brain is processing what he’s seeing.

Yeah, I’m sure I made a face at that line too. My wife’s grandparents were married 74 years, so us at 28 years now seems like just starting out by comparison!

Displaying the Constitution (which sounds OK) or do you mean displaying the Ten Commandments in schools and courtrooms and such?