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    See, people who deny evolution have clearly never really LOOKED at turtles and tortoises: those things are straight-up DINOSAURS. I mean, look at that guy - talons, a beak, single-minded and cold-blooded pursuit of prey...

    Jack, Kack, Lack, Mack, Nack, Ouack, Pack and Quack all played a significant role in my childhood.

    That reaction technique sounds like it would be weirdly and deeply satisfying to try out at my job. Hmm.

    I disagree. While I completely understand those parents of children on the Autism Spectrum needing a place to go with their disbelief and grief and anger, using your "celebrity" soapbox to preach false science is just wrong. Shame on her - her megaphone is so much louder than any one other parent's can be. By


    I don't get people who hide under the umbrella of "Christianity" by claiming it is their duty as a "child of god" to change everybody else's minds about everything. The fucking ego that that takes is just beyond me. She looks in my window and sees a person that she has the RIGHT to CHANGE? That she has the DUTY to

    Lions and wolves and whatnot on the brain.


    FACTS. Scientific facts.

    Hey, um, get some humanity.

    Really? "Drooling retards"? You honestly couldn't think of a better way to describe Drake and Chris Brown fans? Try harder.

    Whoops, didn't mean to pile on! I don't know how to go back and edit a comment, but I see now that you had already addressed this. My bad!

    I have strong issue with that statement, "I think the autism spectrum will eventually cover all people," and the next one, too: "it's just that some have it worse than others, kind of like how everyone has some obsessive-compulsive tendencies, and it's just a matter of how we handle it."

    I hadn't even thought about it that way...Regardless of the political ramifications, he made it pretty damn clear that even educated, powerful, smart people can MAKE MISTAKES, and then LEARN from them. That's a pretty bold statement from anyone, but from him? What a great example.

    I spent a morbid few hours since the changeover, and I'm telling you, there is actual evil-grinning, hand-rubbing, cackling GLEE from Redditors planning to swamp Jez. I know that the novelty of it might wear off for these trolls, but in the meantime...won't everything of substance on Jez be overrun?

    I am dreading it. Maybe I'm just jumping to the worst case scenario, but have you guys seen the Reddit trolls gleefully planning to come to Jez and just run riot?

    Thanks! :)

    There are two mentions of 'GT' on this thread and I feel like a dink for asking...what's 'GT'?

    My contempt for these kinds of people is matched only by their absolute inability to see past the ends of their own noses.

    "Sacre bleu, ze French is no good!"