
Ehhh RDJ’s shit has been open and aired for a LONG time now. And I thought SJP’s statement was actually pretty great for some people to hear. I’ve known addicts and have known people who loved addicts. The hardest lesson in the world is accepting that you alone cannot fix them. Sometimes you have to just walk away.

I was harassed at a work Christmas party by the on-air talent. Blatantly, brazenly and shockingly. It was only half an hour in. One minute a group of us were discussing politics and then out of the blue he stated that I had magnificent breasts and he wanted to suckle on my nipples. After a moment of shocked silence I

He forgot about all sorts of things. I’m fine with anyone being as feminine as they feel they need to be to be happy, there’s nothing wrong with being feminine, but you can’t just distill “how women feel” into “vulnerable because they get penetrated.”

I’m sure Trumpty Dumpty’s response will be measured and considerate.