
Not with THOSE wrists.

COLIN JOST - 'Pakistani teenager Malala Yousafzai, who is 17, has become the youngest person ever to win the Nobel Peace Prize. So a Pakistani teenager literally can change the world, while American teenagers literally can't even.'

and Ann Coulter as The Cryptkeeper

Well, if there is one good thing Chris Brown has done. He's brought together the members of A.V. Club. I've never seen the talkbalks in so much agreement about one subject. What blows my mind is how this shithead still has a career.

My Red Letter Media fanfic starts today!


cause people get all judgy when they see how much booze I drank during a two hour movie.

There's still fruit left on the Clerks tree. Even after his previous two cinematic "attempts", Smith has a built in fan base. With VOD, foreign markets, merchandising, etc. It's very hard to imagine it not making back the $8 million of production and god knows how much in advertising. (I know they say the bigger

Gawddammit, I wanna live in a world where King Turd just starts ripping off Mike Meyers bits. Or maybe he just stays about 25 years behind on comedy. Holy Shit! Trump HAS to be a major Ace Ventura fan. Ridicolous hair, tacky clothes, Shatner bravado with no substance, been talking out of his ass for years.

He said on the last podcast he had $8 million to shoot Clerks 3. That's not hard to recoup. It's not like it's "Live by Night" money.

Strip Mallrats

"No, bullshit, because I wasn't WITH a hooker today, ha-HA!"

but Gayle should never sing. EVER.

I think the Mullaly deserves credit for making Gayle even a little bit redeemable. She plays her with a Lenny/Gumpian sweetness that makes her uselessness almost endearing. I think this episode nailed it when bob realizes she's rather make her cat comfy than win all that money. it's a frustrating choice but ultimately

I have far from delicate sensibilities but there's something…. just fucking gross about eating cat food. Maybe it's the idea of poverty stricken elderly folks forced to scarf down cat food for sustenance or crawling babies hungrily exploring the newly found cat bowl but the very suggestion gets a visceral reaction out

So… are we done calling him O.J.?

In my best dreams, his character from 30 Rock remains the same on this star trek show. (IF it ever releases)
"I made you this" (holds up bff collage)
"No, you didn't."
"I will remember you…"

what about xxx2 electric cube-aloo? He was great.

Can we apply this to the Matrix franch…. I mean one single movie?

I feel like The Nightman Cometh should get Charlie Day 3/4 of the EGOT.