

I'll never understand why the show isn't better after hiatus. They have time to write. Even without knowing the sketch you can write before hand. I thought update was better than it's been in a long time. Sketches were terrible. I really thought they'd clean house during the summer. I can't figure out how some of that

Give the structure of the show to Matt Besser or Horatio and they would kill with it.

The premise of the shows are solid, but I think there are a million people who could lead the guests to better (funnier) places. It seems like when he points out the flawed logic, he chains down where the guest could go with it and takes the fun out of it. CBB does very well and they certainly don't need me. I can

1. The Raconteurs
2. The White Stripes
3. The Dead Weather
4. Jack White's solo efforts

I really don't care for Scott Auckerman. The podcast is alright if there's a solid guest and the show is watchable if there's nothing else on, but I can't help but think these things would be great if it weren't for the host. He just seems like a really counter-intuitive improve partner. He doesn't "yes and…" very

Aaron Neville for the win.

Jean Baptise looks like the gay nerd from Revenge of the Nerds.

No Code is their best album, imo. Im a die hard fan though. So… idk… their greatest hits album will get you what youve heard on the radio.

I've always viewed Fallon as a comedic prostitute. Whatever he can do to elicit a response from the LIVE audience. That's why his movie career tanked, he couldn't pander in real time. You need him to break during a sketch? He'll do it. Play beer pong with Betty White? Check. I'm pretty sure he'd suck your dick if you

I'm just a really big fan of Ali Lartner not being in this. I'm that rare type that stuck with Heroes all the way to the "meh" end. I'm psyched as hell it's coming back. I'm reserving judgement that it has season 1 quality.

Hold on, Chief…. working online for cash… it's crazy enough it just might work.

Also, if you're gonna let Darrel Hammond keep being Clinton let him keep being Trump. Nothing against Killam but Hammond's Trump impression is pretty great.

You can only slash the education budget so hard for so long before a Trump/Walker ticket is a possibility.

Im a really big fan of your screen name. Jus' sayin.

Luckily for the hyper sensitive, over protective, kill joys with delicate sensibilities ABC Family has your back. "When vanilla is too extreme for you… theres ABC Family."

Im a proud PJ fan. McCready is vastly underrated. Saw them in STL earlier this month. It was an amazing show. Matt Cameron is really fun to watch.

Incorrect, according to George Carlin female peacocks are called peacunts.

How could you? Haven't you learned anything from that guy that gives those sermons in church? Captain What's-his-name. We live in a society of laws, why do you think I took you to see all those Police Academy movies? For fun? Well I didn't hear anybody laughing. Did you? Except at that guy who made sound effects.

John Oliver to replace Colbert. Bettin the house on it.