Just forwarded this to my girls. I can’t believe the truck stopped so quickly! Is this a PSA? It should be made into one!
Hint: The machine works just fine, they just don’t want to mess around with cleaning it.
Yeah, maybe the next one’s going to be a rotary
You really phoned that one in
This model Challenger was technically released at the very tail end of George W Bush’s presidency.
Wow. I just...
Interesting. “I hit the gas and it went really fast immediately.” That is a good quality to have in a sports car.
Let me sum up at least some of the people driving cars today. As my grandpa would say...
Finally, a story about a man reaching for melons that we can all be happy about.
That was a really confusing headline. I feel like auto bloggers shouldn’t use words in headlines that are also car brand names.
What came to my mind reading the headline at first. Star for transforming that mental image into a real one.
Bumpers repainted. Driver’s door and rear door different paint color. Underhood shot suspiciously doesn’t show front end structure. KBB for unhit model is around $3,780. CP! No credit/bad credit/buy-here-pay-here? NP!
This is what I do at parties.