It would be cool to see a 787 decked out as the Millennium Falcon flying around.
Tetris/Super Mario Bros/Mega Man/Burger Time/Double Dribble
This might take the cake. They should have called it the Robinmobile. That’s all I can think of when I see this. na na na na na na ROBIN POW!
“The Nets sucked”/”That team would have packed it in”/”Pierce also took a jab”
Sad side note: NYC is not even one of the top 10 most dangerous places for pedestrians. So, yes, everyone should slow down and watch for pedestrians.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, please make sure your tray tables are put in the upright position" This could be cross-posted to Flightclub. ORGYGORGEOUSITY, indeeeeeed.
What’s the deal... with that beard?