I live for that Social Network quote. God, it’s so good.
I live for that Social Network quote. God, it’s so good.
The best explanation I heard was this. So many of these guys are the basement dwelling stereotypes you read about, the ones who can’t get a date. They’ve convinced themselves that it’s because they like comics and SF and fantasy and nerdy things that girls don’t get. Now, with more and more women becoming fans and…
i still want to see a spin off game with WOWZER. a heroic turtle dragon trying to protect the world from wario and walugi.
IKR? Both of my parents think geeks, nerds, and video game players are losers. Which is ironic considering when I was a kid they would plant me in front of a TV screen with a Nintendo because it was easy babysitting.
I loved that moment where that Morty robot gained sentience. Also, that entire subplot with Armothy was hilarious.
Krombopulos Michael is my absolute favorite thing about this show...
My favorite moment came in “Rick Potion #9", when Rick and Morty return after having un-Cronenberged everyone. They’re happy, the world is fixed despite impossible odds... and then Rick’s device explodes killing them both, and *OUR* Rick and Morty step out of a portal to take their place.
I agree, Tony Stark is pretty central to the plot and I don’t see what the hate is with his presence. He kickstarted the MCU, his dad played a major role in SHIELD, he is in every way, the heart of the franchise to which conflicts arise and fall. Sure, people may get fatigued by it, but his presence in Spiderman was…
Well that makes sense from characterization doesn’t it? Peter was five when Tony Stark announced himself as Iron Man, he was six when he was on stage at the Stark Expo in Iron Man 2 (Tom Holland confirmed that one) and he was seven during the Attack of New York in The Avengers. Basically Peter Parker grew up…
Save the one scene where Tony calls him while he’s out of the country or wherever he is. The trailers pretty much showed all of Tony’s scenes and as much as I love Stark/RDJ I’m glad he was in the movie as little as he was!
Patricia: Yeah, there was more Tony Stark than I was expecting. I feel like I’m at a saturation point with him, though I understand why they did it.
“Myers’ team found evidence of links to depression and dysphoria (general dissatisfaction with life)“
Just saw it last night. Greatest movie ever. Magical hacking of things, surprise babies, pushing torpedoes, god damn heat seekers, more like 5000 horsepower, great cars, and family. That’s all I can say.
Oh is that a campaign mode?
Cool, I’ve heard good things about Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime.
That’s what happened for the first Mass Effect game, everyone dump all over it and they eventually came around. What people are forgetting is that the first Mass Effect game was not all that great either, it was stilted, the dialog wooden and the animations felt subpar. But it was a fun game and Mass Effect 2 and 3…
I’ve always wanted to know the details about how the ME games were written - I just beat ME1 for the first time in years and have started up ME2. I want to say that the writing in ME2 is a step-up from ME1 but I think it’s actually the total production value package that’s improved - Jennifer Hale is giving a more…
I wonder if down this line, this game will go the way of Alpha Protocol: everyone hated it when it first came out, but after a long time, people eventually appreciated it. It has (sort of) the same problems too, such as the bad animations.