
Well, that sucks. Seriously, TBS, are you really in position to cancel one of your best shows? With Angie Tribeca’s fate apparently undecided, American Dad! getting lamer and lamer with each season, The Detour getting way too complicated for its own good and The Last OG only sort of working, you only have, what, Search

Counterpoint: she looks fine in that photo, even if she was heavier then than she is now.

Thrre’s hundreds of generic white dude actors out there who haven’t physically assaulted a woman. Go hire one of them instead.

No, he can fuck right off.

Back in my undergrad (we’re talking 2004 here), I lived next to a guy who was an extra in The Emperor’s Club (2002). His remembrance of his experience was, “Everyone on set was super cool. Except Emile Hirsch. Total Asshole.”

To be fair to Hirsch, he did this back in 2015, when we didn’t know it was wrong to choke a woman out at a party and never apologize for it. Is it fair to judge historical figures by present-day standards?

I stand with Jameela. And given our relative heights, I probably make a perfect elbow rest.

He really should have been blacklisted entirely for that assault.

Every now and then Bran should show up to stare at everyone and just creep them the hell out.

Oof, I don’t envy the people writing and designing for this. The notes will be all “It has to look exactly the same so people will watch it but set thousands of years earlier, and we’re definitely dropping the budgets so don’t expect that “Heights of golden civilization and heroes of old” shit, more of a “benches on

God, I’m not ready to say goodbye to the beautiful mess. Seems like we need its brand of just living and accepting now more than ever.

Couldn’t they at least say “Screw you”? It wouldn’t precisely match the actor’s lips but who has ever uttered “Forget you”?

A few thoughts:

I didn’t like last season, and I really like this season. If that helps.

So, no mention of the fact that we got the show’s first-ever uncensored F-bombs tonight (“Fuchs” pronounced incorrectly not included)? If they had been waiting just to do it for the 100th episode, it sure as fuck paid off.

I try not to buy into horror movie hype but with the response this movie is getting it better be one of the scariest things ever made.

The show isn’t remotely as funny as it once was and Hurwitz doesn’t seem like he’s got a firm hand on the helm. Maybe it’s time to finally let it go?

Dafuq kind of shitshow are they running over there? Everyone looks bad, making idiotic statements, and then this guy who never shows up on set and doesn’t get his shit in on time or with context? It’s amazing they can cobble together such a well-liked show.

Honestly, the setup and the cast just look too fun to resist this, even if it’s something we’ve really seen before.