
HD25-1 IIs are pretty nice too, they last a lifetime.

@TimeMuffin: I prefer burning money, not giving it to a bunch of marketers pretending to be marketers.

Fischer Audio is hot this year, check their stuff out.

@cinnamonster: Insult slogan, but it is actually the reverse of what is true. Bose does have bass, just too much of it in an uncontrolled manner. The highs are rolled off into the midrange, which is practically nonexistent. Which sucks because midrange is extremely important.

No highs, no lows, must be Bose.

@Y2KGTP: It's not dirty, it's thirty.

It would not be a bad choice to place ads in the game in a subtle manner. Certain brands of cars on maps, peeling billboards have a logo on them, you walk by a soda machine every now and then, ETC. could all be used as a boon to generate revenue without upsetting the player base.

The Westboro Wizards.

This dude is just too whiny, seriously. Yes, being stuck in the cold for ten hours sucks, but it really is not even close to what he described. What happened to the days when reporters had chutzpah?

@jackedesign: We already know it sucks, I can't wait!

A: All style and no substance.

@deepseadawn: *cough-cough* Torrents *cough-wheeze*

Did anybody save the source?

@Nitesh: Over 25, they came out in '84.