
It failed on every level possible.

Please post comments like this in one of the forums, it is getting pretty repetitive.

Please take these sort of comments to whitenoise. They are rude, off topic, and the exact opposite of what that gold star stands for.

Double post, sorry!

Now playing

Looks like somebody already posted this a little while back. Sorry!

@MifuneT: Did you hear the Alec Baldwin bit for pledging? I had to pull over until the laughter subsided.

Could somebody please explain Unitology to me in one paragraph?

Doesn't this just further the child's dependence on external entertainment? This is not healthy, guys.

Parental involvement is not the meat of this article, instead it is the fact that video games can still be an enriching experience when enjoyed in moderation as with film, television, ETC. We can learn a lot from the medium as it matures, all it needs is a chance.

Hey, let's settle our differences have a .gif party instead!

Those guys just lost my sale on the sole point that the guy in the publicity image has his toilet paper hung backwards. How unprofessional!

He could tell by the pixels and from having seen many thefts in his time.

@DocSeuss: Yeah, hopefully Id releases some more video soon.

@DocSeuss: It was the same level they demoed at E3 if that is any consolation.

@DocSeuss: Sorry, it was a private demo. =/

@AngryFork: It does have the sense of size seen in RPGs, but it is still and FPS.