
I don't know why, but the dialog in this trailer seems really awkward.

Why does Neil keep signing on to these awful movies? Does being awesome not pay enough?

This article sold me on Rock Band 3, a part of a series I never really got into. You owe me the money I'm going to blow on these plastic instruments, Mark!

Does gaming performance see an improvement?

Is there entertainment hidden in there somewhere, or can I not find it?

You really have to wonder what the people blowing the horns are thinking.

This is a great thing to hear; the faster technology explodes, the sooner it fades and this is a sign of fading.

If you do a barrel roll with the screen titled, your face will go Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Immersion seems like the name of the game at this year's E3; Apple and Nintendo have gyroscopes and new screens, and Sony is jumping on the 3D train. Whether the gaming industry can pull the 3D trick off or not will determine the future of the technology.

Is the 3D quality great?

Wow, I forgot to care.

I was really hoping for a new Mario Kart when I saw those circles. Guess not....

When is Valve's thingy again?


@gemcosta: Murphy's Law in 3...2...1...

@Thorax: And a hop to the right.

@moose39: Toss in a healthy dose of motion blur, and this game would be an must buy for all console owners.

This may end conflict to some degree, but it may collapse within a few years.