lego dobby

Wedding #1

Do you know what a disaster our public schools are? Common core is a joke. I have a lot of friends who are teachers. They are amazing, intelligent people and their hands are tied, they aren't allowed to teach, they aren't allowed to discipline. In Maryland kids can't even be suspended anymore, so the teachers have no

You are projecting. Not all homeschooling families get "zero socializing" or zip "experience navigating rules and infrastructure." The homeschooled children I know (granted, in secular and brainy circles) have mentors with advanced degrees in their interest areas, including (but not limited to) robotics, evolutionary

You know what? I'll out myself. My family is unschooling, and neither "hipster" nor "special snowflake" pejoratives apply to us. Indeed, I continue to support public schools with my advocacy, my vote, my tax dollars, and my charitable donations. My mother is a retired public K-12 teacher, as are many of my family

So I'm Australian so feel free to bash away, but I am gobsmacked at the "child safety" priorities here. Every day I read on my newsfeed in the US about mass school shootings of children, children shooting each other at home, a 2 year old shooting their mother in Walmart, accidental death of 6 year olds playing with

This is bullshit. Call it whatever new-age hipster shit you want, these parents have the right idea. There is ZERO wrong with letting your kids walk home together, especially if the distance is short. That's how they learn independence. It's how they become more aware of their surroundings, and it's how they learn to

this is happening where I live, so two interesting notes on the law:

This is crazy. A 10 and a 6 year old, together, are old enough to walk home.

This is one of those things you read, that seems to be composed from your own thoughts by a better writer:

Because of the emotional baggage it carries I can tell you that most of my experience has been with the purely anatomical necessity of the autopsy. However I know that I helped give answers to grieving parents as to why their child died- and the amount of decorum used while "handling" those you love is at it's finest.

Thank you for saying that. It means a lot. Letting her go, not being able to be there while other people "handled" her, is something that I have always, always thought about. It's been nearly 14 years, but it's the kind of thing that never leaves you.

Having dozens of children come across the table when I worked in pathology- I can tell you that every single one is given the utmost respect and kindness.

It just seemed wrong to not look at them—to toss them in like they never existed, like it was easier to pretend they were medical waste, hardly worth a second thought.

The first ever article I read by Lindy: