
That's why he doesn't like Jenny McCarthy? Of all of the reasons to dislike her...

Yes. I like him. I think he's hilarious. I don't have to like or agree with everything he's ever done in his life in order to like him.

I was not implying that these kids are sociopaths. I think they took a dumb picture without realizing that it was offensive. I think you need to read my comment again, or perhaps I didn't make myself clear, I mentioned that MY teen is not a sociopath. I wasn't suggesting these teens are. Most teenagers are just a

I love Scott Disick. He's the only reason I watch that show. I also love Khloe, but Scott is hilarious. Kim is pretentious & boring & shallow. She is the least-likable Kardashian.

I don't know how to edit, but it's supposed to say PROPER sanitation in the first paragraph, not poorer.

Yes. I have a teenager. But she is not a sociopath, she is capable of empathy. So when I explain to her why certain things are offensive I have much more success in redirecting her behavior. I believe these teens are completely clueless about why this is not a good idea. It is up to the adults to teach them & help

Are you really that stupid? Talk to your grandparents about Polio. In their day many of their peers contracted Polio. Many died or suffered from the debilitating effects of Polio their entire lives. The Polio vaccine stopped the Polio virus.

The vaccines that are required for all children are proven to work. The evidence is solid. the vaccines work. What do you consider life altering side effects? The polio vaccine as well as the other measles vaccine, etc have been around for decades & have a well studied & proven safety profile. Vaccines are

I was a pharmaceutical rep & I can assure you that most people do not understand what is written in a package insert & how to properly interpret what is in a package insert. A natural healthy diet, exercise & vitamins will not protect you from polio. And they sure as hell will NOT protect the immunocompromised

My chihuahua makes this sound sometimes when my husband leaves the house. The first time I heard it I thought he was injured & in pain!

Yep, total atheist but I have no doubt that there is an animal heaven!!

I was watching this with the volume up & my dogs freaked out!!

Misery loves company. Why in the hell would a "friend" expect you to live your life to her standards? Especially a friend who has a child & knows what a huge responsibility it is. Good for you for not letting her manipulate you.

I hate it when people say "both sides". As if there are two sides. There is factual news coverage & there is non-factual-propaganda-bullshit "news" coverage. Not "both sides". There is no equivalent on the left to Fox news. If you're thinking that MSNBC is Fox news for liberals, you'd be wrong. MSNBC has liberal

She's both. She's fighting the good fight for all of the fetuses. Never mind the women carrying them. She's like a broken record. She hurt my fee fees when she told me I know nothing about human biology because of my belief that pregnant women are actual human beings that are worthy of rights & bodily autonomy. I

I once convinced a neighbor that a piece of dog poop was a candy bar. She took a bite of it & then ran home & told on me.

It matters because the server has to tip out other employees based on the total of the check, not the amount of the tip. So stiffing a server actually takes money out of their pocket. Servers don't keep all of the tips they receive. They are paid $2.13 an hour. And stiffing them on a tip because you think it's

Well, you are trivializing police brutality. So there.

What if you can't hear well? What if you don't know the person yelling stop is an officer? What if you're mentally ill? Old? Senile? Suffering from dementia or under the influence?