
You may not be trying to justify the actions of the officer, but you ARE justifying the acts of the officer. See, when your first response is to focus on the behavior of the person being pummeled by an officer instead of focusing on the officer doing the pummeling, you are justifying the pummeling. You are putting

You are arguing just for the sake of arguing. Go away. Go to reddit or some other place where your victim blaming & support of police brutality will be welcomed.

Nope. Carry on. I think it's time for dead baby jokes!

She clearly does not understand what a fact or a human life is. Just give up. No sense arguing with someone who doesn't know what a fact is.

Clearly you don't understand what viability means.

Wrong again. What a horrible analogy to a fetus, which actually resides inside of a woman's body, to a person's need for water or air or some other resource to sustain life. A woman is not a resource. Why do you feel that a woman's rights come second to a fetus's rights? Where in the constitution does it say that a

Yes. Women who have sex are irresponsible. We should all just quit having sex if we don't want babies? Not all women are the same & there are plenty of women whose bodies can not sustain a pregnancy. But who cares, right? Their health comes second to the developing fetus? Women need to be punished for being sexual,

Right. Says you, who compared a fetus in the womb to human beings needing food & water.

So women are supposed to not have sex? I'm a married mother of two. If I became pregnant, I would not be able to carry a pregnancy to term without serious risks to my health & life. I suppose in your opinion I should not terminate, I should risk leaving my two children without a mother?

That's not at all what the pro choice logic is. Nice try though! Viability occurs before birth.

Money. Ego. He wants people to think he's a great guy. Kids are a huge responsibility even when you're divorced. He's legally obligated to pay to support the child no matter what.

I cry when my kids get their shots. I mean, to make the kid have to suffer for hours in a hot car?

Because they wanted to keep up appearances of a good, church-going, christian family. The grandparents would be like, wtf happened to our grand child?

I would think the child would be screaming & someone would hear the child.

Again. What does DNA have to do with when life begins?

No. You just refuse to engage in a discussion with someone who is smarter than you. And I didn't catch that part. I was stuck on the whole "I am pro-abortion" thingy. Which is a huge red flag. If you are a genuine pro choice person then you need to educate yourself because you don't sound very informed.

A conversation I had with a republican friend.

It also doesn't make it an alive human being that is worthy of rights that trump mine. It doesn't matter what stage we are talking about unless it's at a viable stage. Fertilized egg, blastocyst, zygote, fetus. Does not matter.

No. I have never heard a pro choice person refer to themselves as pro abortion. That's a term that is used by the forced birth crowd to refer to people who are pro choice. I am pro choice, I am not pro abortion. I am pro-women-making-their-own-decisions-about-their-bodies not pro abortion.

I know a girl who raised two kids on welfare. Without government programs & medicaid, she & her kids would have been fucked. She's a republican. She's against socialized medicine even though without it she would have given birth in a tree.