Excellent, thanks Kirk, I’ll be trying out this mod this weekend. Can’t get enough of Witcher 3! You should also give the first person mode mod a go btw
Excellent, thanks Kirk, I’ll be trying out this mod this weekend. Can’t get enough of Witcher 3! You should also give the first person mode mod a go btw
Happy birthday, hope you have a good one :) It was my birthday just a couple days ago and my girlfriend got me a GTX 1080 (best girlfriend ever!) so I’ll be trying out all my games to see how far I can push them at 4k.
As someone who enjoys the AC games I really enjoyed the movie. I thought the story stood well on its own rather than being a movie about one of the video games and I thought the fight scenes were done pretty well. The animus is badass too, especially compared to the ones featured in the games.
Hat off to you sir for not going in there once, not twice, but THREE TIMES, to teach people the different ways of dealing with that situation. Very informative, thank you (although I live in Indonesia so won’t be having any similar experiences any time soon).
Ha! Well played...
I just want to slap the phone out of a person’s hand and say “No!” when I see them filming vertically. Why is it so hard to just turn the phone 90°?! You don’t look at your computer screen or TV vertically.
Omg California Games, man I loved that game...
Really excited to play this game although I’m going to wait till full release I think. I’ve got enough early access games that still have a while to go until full release and I’ve already exhausted myself playing them. I don’t want to end up doing the same with this one.
I finally got round to completing the main story in Rise of The Tomb Raider last night so that’s cleared me up for another game this weekend.
Wait a little while longer and you’ll be able to get the whole season in one.
The future; where every dude is ripped as **** and wears skin-tight T-shirts.
<blockquote>...Amazon Prime lost more than $4 million in revenue...</blockquote>
I recently bought a Pi3 and have installed Plex Media Player and hooked up to my projector streaming from my Plex server over wifi. It boots up really fast and feels fluid, plays all my Blurays really well.
It’s still not very well optimised on PC. Very often I come across new sections in the game where the frame rate plummets making it rather difficult to tackle enemies so I can move on to the next area. It’s made it quite difficult to play for long periods of time as I end up being more frustrated with the game than…
You forgot Uplay.
Same here, and then I spend ages playing The Witcher 3 and then get depressed when I look at my backlog piling up.
This looks really interesting and I love the art style they’ve gone for. Thoroughly enjoyed Dungeon Village form Kairosoft however this looks like Tavern Keeper will focus more on micromanagement for just one building (I may be wrong though). Looking forward to seeing more news on this, too bad it looks like there…
I finally popped in the old cartridge after such a long time not playing AC:NL and one of the villagers said they hadn’t seen me in two years; two years!? I had no idea it had been that long...
I finally ended up getting The Division once the price had dropped and from the start I knew I would only play a couple dozen hours. My main issue with the game are the super spongey enemies; I prefer games with a little more “realism” where just a few rounds is all it takes to take someone down and skill has to be…
My backlog ia just growing like crazy at the moment with work and hour renovations leaving me with little to no gaming time at the moment :(