
I’m on my second playthrough on Game+ and am doing exactly this. I don’t fast travel so I pick a quest - main story or side quest - that’s nearest to me or at the right level and it makes it feel like I’m playing a novel with the random (well, scripted but they feel random when you encounter them the first time)

I preferred my purple Gamecube. And my transparent purple Gameboy Color, that thing is awesome (still got it kicking around somewhere).

Pre order now for even more buffalo

You sir, deserve a cookie. Well done, well done indeed.

Yeah I thought that too, probably using NFC.

I’m going to have to get the NX even if this is the only game I play on it.

Same here. I play The Witcher 3, ROTTR, MGSV - basically any 3rd person game - with a controller because of the weird camera movement with m+k. I like how precise m+k are for FPSs but feel that its too janky and precise for camera movement in 3rd person view.

The turn-based idea is pretty interesting, I’ll definitely be keeping a close eye on this one. After reading your last paragraph though I’ll have to wait until final release as I don’t really enjoy Early Access games, especially when so much is unfinished or broken.

Agreed, the details - even close up - are very impressive for an indie game.

Ah Miranda Lawson, you and Shepard have some good memories. Such a sexy voice, and I like that they also scanned Yvonne Strahovski’s face to use as Miranda’s in ME.

Such a great little game that starts out calm and easy and quickly escalates to unmanageable chaos if you don’t react fast enough!

Come on, we all know it’s going to be called Red Dead Rejuvenation: the Enhanced Edition for current gen consoles.

Probably not considering Sony has blocked mods for Fallout 4 and Skyrim on PS4.

This looks like it’ll be quite fun. The art style is really nice too, reminds me a little of Torchlight II especially in the dungeon-y areas shown in the video.

Ermahgerd pahleeeaaase be true (about the PC release). I sold my PS3 quite some time ago and RDR is one of the games I miss the most. That and Uncharted 2. And The Last of Us.

Geralt’s got some funny lines and cracks some good jokes and sarcastic comments every so often, I think he’s great.


Oh man I was so looking forward to playing this soon :(

Also, the article made me chuckle :)