Have you been around actual teenagers lately? They all dress like that. It’s like 1994 all over again in American high schools right now.
Have you been around actual teenagers lately? They all dress like that. It’s like 1994 all over again in American high schools right now.
Yeah seriously. The guy used a LOT of words to say absolutely nothing.
As someone who replaced a very gross goatee with a much more double-chin-hiding chin curtain years back, I am disappointed that after a decade and a half with facial hair, I will be back to getting carded buying R-rated tickets at the movie theater as a 38 year old man.
Not sure of your medical credentials, but I can assure you that face masks do next to nothing to protect the wearer of the mask from anything. At best, they may prevent the wearer from spreading their own germs, but even that is limited.
Dear DNC,
You are the hero we need in these disgusting pee dusted times. Also this made coffee come out of my noise: “they were giggling and acting all brunchy”
Me! Me! I got a story!
I was thinking 35 to do it in a forest, then leave them there.
And a 20lb bike at that speed feels like riding a death feather. This would likely be better.
If these Nazis were Muslim terrorists it would have been weeks worth of 24/7 news coverage with every single talking head screaming that the Muslim population needs to condemn these terrorists. But they are white so it was just one days worth of news. I was surprised it got the little attention it did.
And it is not just hand washing (otherwise known as common sense and hygiene) that has bolstered women’s immunity, it’s also genetics.
America’s fiscal and economic policies have definitely drifted to the right over the past 45 years. Nixon was FOR universal healthcare insurance and started the EPA. Now anyone who wants to help the environment is labeled a hippie commie and centrists like Biden and Mayor Pete are barely talking about the environment.
The way the candidate runs his campaign tells you a lot about the administration they will operate. So far Mike Bloomberg gagged the large international news corp named after him, his former and current staffers. You can easily see this behavior expanding to a blanket gag order across all agencies. If Bloomberg is the…
Me and other Democrats: Vote Blue, no matter who!
DNC: Your Democratic nominee, Michael Bloomberg!
Me and other Democrats: Hrm.
Did you get a free month Premium for this? I’ll hang up and listen to your answer. Peace.
Did you know that most doctors think their colleagues are deeply affected by marketing by drug companies, but deny being affected themselves? It not just stupid people who fall for this stuff. Uneducated on credit, certainly, but the methods these guys use are meant to get around thinking skills. Oftentimes I bet…
It’s almost like the system is designed so a few people profit off widespread that kind of ignorance.
Its not hard to lie to someone when you’re telling them what they want to hear.