Big e. LEGEND: Slacker Enthusiast


Hey you! Yes you! Stop doing those things and put that stuff back where it goes.

Things and stuff I guess.

Remember to slam face first into the bookshelf to knock down the one book that actually does something.

I seem to recall something about an Assassin's Creed game offering pants?

This opinion is House approved

Any and all posts that involve Terry Funk get a star from me, I only regret that I am too lazy to make a burner account so I can star it again.

Yes, but this one in particular is very app like in that it exist in a three dimensional boxed like world going from level to level. I could imagine it on a smartphone or tablet.

You know you are going overboard when even Godzilla is appalled.

I've never watched Pewdiepie. I saw his picture once and determined I'll never want to know any more about that person. No regrets.

"Sí mamá, ya tenemos un patrocinador, significa que somos famoso ya!"
"Una compañia de peliculas, que sé yo. No importa, no lo investigan!"

Dur dur dur di dur

Well, that's it. Close it down everyone, that's as good as it's gonna get.

They said Smash Bros, not Half Life 3.


People who complain about the target: Show me your financial planning for this game. Show me your budgeting. Your payment plan for every employee.

"I like it." - Ultron.