Big e. LEGEND: Slacker Enthusiast

Thanks to Destiny's shitty social options, only Jesus accepted Moses' Fireteam invite


Wait a minute....

Uh... what... the FUCK... just happened? Someone started screaming about getting off an elevator? The fuck?

the eyes and smile makes him look a little bit constipated.

That has to be the first time that sentence has ever been said in any context...

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Track: Sandstorm | Artist: Darude | Album: Before The Storm

Congratulations, Japan, you have out-America'd America.

How about "Gimptaku Contest"!

it was more strait forward, I little bit like Blood dlc on Infamous 2. for a dlc I enjoyed it, the arena, was fun and still fun to play again.

People do not realize there are elderly gamers. I worked at a store called Future Shop one year over the holidays for a little extra cash and the discounts for christmas gifts, and sold computers and pc upgrades.

Now playing

In contrast to this it's a shame that some arseholes still try to con people of money by pretending to be disabled and that practice has spread to Twitch.

So aliens. Very UFO. Much radio. Wow.

And yet here you are, on a website for grown nerds.

So? I suspect you'd rather they build a giant science fiction world with dozens of guns with places to explore and aliens to kill instead. Duck Duck Goose Simulator 2014 is the game we've been waiting for YEARS. Hell, in my day, we actually had to stand up and chase people. DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS FOR FAT PEOPLE TO

I didn't know this existed:

It would be great if you could swap weapons using the WiiU gamepad's touch screen.