Big e. LEGEND: Slacker Enthusiast



Now all I can think of is this. Just throw on some Diablo Fantasy armor in there.

For those asking how:

Nope. The Tetris license has almost always been owned by Alexey Pajitnov except for when it was owned by the USSR.

I like how it starts out almost normally and then quickly degenerates.

it wasn't aimed for Winblows users

"Glen Beck Thinks..."

Everywhere i see 8 bit faces, worn out pixels, worn out pixels.

Battlefield: Hardline

We swear it will work this time at launch...

Please read terms and conditions and fine print.Please read terms and conditions and fine print.Please read terms and conditions and fine print.Please read terms and conditions and fine print.Please read terms and conditions and fine print.Please read

It's nice when developers are actually making shooters that interest me in the last year or so, and they all revolve around that feeling of freedom in how you tackle a give encounter, than seeking to pre-script every other moment.

maybe it should be italianized: "The last of us? Fuggetaboutit!"

I can see the Fox News headlines already..

*looks up from tablet* ... Wh... did you say something?

Go outside they said. It will be fun they said.