Big e. LEGEND: Slacker Enthusiast

almost though this was a Metal Gear Solid V video

I bought an iPhone 6 Plus.

Why does it look like Ellen DeGeneres?!

Phew, that lack of sleep got me. I thought it said "gun"...

So this is how Nintendo plans on selling us the New 3DS...crafty bastids.

Mighty Duck face?

Okay, first, I didn't get any damn sleep last night. Second, I clicked on this video. The way that thing looks and moves coupled with that music...there is some serious Silent Hill shit going on in here. I was NOT prepared for this this morning dammit.

The chick in the pink in the gif had the enthusiasm of a comatose Ben Stein.

So was gas...food...the cost of living...the times, they are a-changing.

I was actually kind of shocked this got a "No". I honestly enjoyed the main story...dare I say even more than Delsin's in Second Son. It's rare that a protagonist has family ties in games, as such as Brent and Fetch being siblings; and I felt that Fetch was a more likable and relatable character.

Oh, I get it. The first color is a Super Famicom tribute and the second one's color is a GameCube tribute.

Kojima signed PS3...

I guess Zelda Williams doesn't count.

This is heartfelt, and would be amazing if done so. But I honestly think this is Nintendo's way of saying "no."

I constantly hear The Last of Us main theme in my head if I play it too long. Disturbs my sleep.

Kill Phil Vol. 1

Christ. I've stayed away from this series for a while...but that Venom...

someone photoshop this guy with the WWE Diva's Championship, ASAP.

"One shall stand...one shall run."

lol @ "Monster Hunger 4"