Big e. LEGEND: Slacker Enthusiast

Why do I feel that this is going to be the Jason Rubin/THQ situation all over again?

Why the hell do the controller stick nubs look so damn worn and dirty? Who was on the ship this shipped on just screwing around with controller sticks?

That new Sweet Chin Music is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen...and I watch pro wrestling.

What makes it even more hilarious is the look on their faces...

That wasn't a guard. That was an NSA employee making sure the Kinect was scanning everyone for signs of "51% foreignness".

It's pretty much already available to do so. That's why I'm avoiding YouTube and anything to do with the game until midnight on Thursday. I I couldn't resist the temptation and checked recent uploads for The Last Of Us and sure enough, it's there.

If I remember correctly, they send letters back. Sometimes even gifts. Of course, my last interaction with the series was Animal Crossing: City Folk.

I figured the Jeff Hardy Immortal Championship was as bad as it was going to get.

They shut those other two guys down faster than the Playstation Network.

The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct. What could have been a decent, terror filled romp though the backstory of the Dixon boys turned into one of Activision's tired, rushed, run in the mill cash ins. Every single aspect of that game could have been improved on, expanded on, and taken seriously, made excellent in it's

I came at...FOR! The Crimson Viper cosplay.

Okay, I understand the severity of this infraction due to the article, but as a console-only gamer, can someone explain to me what Bitcoins are? And why are they so coveted?

First thing that came to mind was CAPCOM's DuckTales mixed with Mega Man. (Yes, I know that DuckTales uses the same MM engine)

Cash money Hayter is going to play a young Solid Snake and it will be near the end of the game. I bank on it.

At least if he ever throws it in a fit of gamer rage ,it will Blink to the couch.

Too cheesy, right? I'll see myself out.