
I’ve made 64,000usd so far this year w0rking 0nline and I’m a full time student. I’m using an 0nline business opportunity I heard about my friend BRd and I’ve made such great m0ney. It’s really user friendly and I’m just so happy that I found out about it. Here’s what I’ve been doing…

I’ve made 64,000usd so far this year w0rking 0nline and I’m a full time student. I’m using an 0nline business

I use Google Now for navigation, general internet / trivia searching, timers/alarms, adding items to my Todoist list, dictating notes-to-self via Google Keep, quick text or place call (especially with headset connected), and letting my offspring search for whatever they are interested in with me. We have a lot of fun

My best friend’s ex-wife makes Bucks75/hr on the laptop. She has been unemployed for eight months but last month her income with big fat bonus was over Bucks9000 just working on the laptop for a few hours. Read more on this site.....

At work, I use Google Voice Assistant to randomly turn on during meetings [just last week it recited the definition of a harlot in a teleconference]. At home and on the go, I use it to repeat what I want in an aggravated tone until I just do it myself, when I don’t have family around to do that with.

Setting timers is certainly a big use, but I also use Google Now with “navigate to ...” to hands-free the GPS and searches like “What time is the Washington Nationals game?”. It’s particularly good for searches if you aren’t big on using that tiny little keyboard. I never use it for texting or email, as it just gets

It seems to get a $15 discount every other month or so.

It seems to get a $15 discount every other month or so.

I use Google’s voice assistant almost exclusively for settings timers and alarms. I occasionally use it for Google searches, mostly if it’s something with a weird spelling that I would have to fight Swiftkey’s autocorrect over (like looking up things about fantasy based video games with invented languages).

Well said. I think it helps to think of it as long-term career building.

I think it will continue in some form.

I love this idea. Now the games can release broken on PC and XB1 at the same time!

yes, a thousand times yes!

How often is the FireTV on sale? I have the FireStick but occasionally Kodi seems to get stuck buffering or processing something and I can’t really tell if it’s my NAS (doesn’t seem likely as there’s no other activity) or the wireless connection. I figured the extra power and wired Ethernet connection would help out.

How often is the FireTV on sale? I have the FireStick but occasionally Kodi seems to get stuck buffering or

Unless UWP changes PC wont be able to “freely mod” any games that are in this platform.

I wonder how they will handle games that allow mods, will mods also be cross platform?

Wonder what will come of Flckr once Its sold : (

I prefer the AmazonBasics 6 ft certified lightning cable. I have never had any issues with it breaking down. It doesn’t seem to tangle either. 6 ft means you can (usually) use your phone when it’s plugged into the wall, but it’s not so long that it’s entirely cumbersome. And it’s fairly cheap at $8. They’re the only

I prefer the AmazonBasics 6 ft certified lightning cable. I have never had any issues with it breaking down. It

ZeroLemon has some nice lightning cables. They work, which is more than I can say for other lightning cables I have purchased. And, they have decent warranties (not that I have had to use one yet). The longer ones even hold up to my abuse. You can buy it at Amazon.

ZeroLemon has some nice lightning cables. They work, which is more than I can say for other lightning cables I have

Anker Kevlar Fiber & Double Braided Nylon lightning cable.

Anker Kevlar Fiber & Double Braided Nylon lightning cable.

If you notice a person has put effort into something or carefully chosen something, compliment that. “You have pretty eyes” is not a very good compliment because you’re born with your eyes, it’s just luck in the genetic lottery. A carefully put together outfit, or an interesting piece of jewellry is much better to

It took me a long time to learn about when debts fall off the credit report, and that if I make arrangements with the debt collector it would start that merry-go-round of phone calls and settlement offers all over again. I must confess though, I did think that when that started again, so did the time on my credit