You would be tearing up too at the utterly incomprehensibly bad decision making that Captain Janeway indulges in on a weekly basis.
You would be tearing up too at the utterly incomprehensibly bad decision making that Captain Janeway indulges in on a weekly basis.
Considering he killed Gowron only a couple days before, he may have been watching the security camera footage rather than actually remembering.
I almost expected Bashir to make an attempt at prolonging the war via his genetically enhanced intellect just so he could keep Miles on DS9 for a bit longer.
Now I have to delete that entire comment.
I was a big fan of TNG growing up. I was excited when I heard DS9 was in development and held high hopes for the series. The pilot was great but then it became interminably boring for a teenage kid to continue to follow. Between seasons 1-2 I maybe watched ten episodes.
You exist here.
I imagine there is a brief occupation, followed by assistance from the Federation for rebuilding the Union. The Cardassians probably lost minor to no territories as the powers can't agree to allow the others control too much of Cardassia.
Take a seat, this might take a while. Here, have a kanar.
Well, no one in the Gamma Quadrant, outside the returning, disposable troops, will know the details of how the war ended. The Dominion would likely keep much of the information under wraps and spin the result. Mission Accomplished: The AQ will never think to come back into the Gamma Quadrant as anything but occasional…
(Raises a kanar in Wolfe's honor).
Maybe Chris Colfer will guest as a ridiculous villain. They have great chemistry.
Maybe you should talk to Thot Gor again.
In Season Six, maybe the fourth episode or so, the Female Founder tells Weyoun that Odo is worth more to the Link than the entire Alpha Quadrant.
For many combat veterans the true horror of reality sets in after the last shot is fired. Up until he killed that Vorta jackal (wasn't that great!?!) he had his work to keep him from dwelling on the tragedy occurring all around him. After that there was nothing left to do but confront the grim circumstances. He is so…
Nothing as enrapturing as searing logic and ice-cold indifference. Goes together well with Plomeek soup.
With the Cardassian Fleet coming to its senses, the Allies had a decisive advantage. Though the cost of fighting through the remainder of the Dominion fleets would have been costly, that cost would only increase over time. I also believe that the Cardassian Fleet would not remain idle while the population of Cardassia…
I love kanar. Kanar kanar kanar. Here it goes down, down into my belly.
I have thoroughly enjoyed the Star Trek reviews. I loved every DS9 review unconditionally, even the Ferengi ones (had a few stiff pulls on the kanar bottle to get through them though). I vote that Zack review Voyager and Enterprise just so we can mock those steaming piles of vole excrement from Ajilon Prime to Zakdorn.
[Insert Space Needle Joke]
Nothing a little (or a lot) of kanar can't handle.