
I’m guessing, because it’s his first term, he isn’t technically “enrolled” until federal funds release ten days before the term begin. For the athletes at our school, that’s how we count it.

I’m glad to hear this. I was going to see this just for Katie McGrath, but at least I won’t be bored while waiting for her to grace the screen.

That’s interesting, because I’ve never been to or lived in Boston, but I did say that about Denver, after living in DC, Baltimore, LA, and Oakland. There was a definite sense of “that’s THEIR area.” My friends who were teachers definitely felt that they were judged, and funded, in their school district by which

It didn’t put him on the DL. He took one game off. Settle down. Pedroia publicly said there was no intent.

We boo him, and thats about the extent of it. I mean, he made his MLB debut with us. He was just really... not great... at that point.

RIGHT? That’s the weirdest part of this year’s cobbled together rotation. I remember being so mad when we traded for a pitcher with such a high ERA and WHIP last year!

THIS. I stayed at the airport one in Indy on a cross country and was so impressed that I looked for one to stop at the next night. The second place literally had a quarters slot on the top of the bed, and bars INSIDE the windows.

I read the whole article, wondering how someone would turn this into sarcasm. I am proud my community did not let me down.

You can follow a team without the need - or ability - to watch every game.

I’m going to be honest. I’m a Caps fan (even if usually only a playoff watcher), and the fact that a Lions fan said this and I can’t even scoff is the most depressing thing all day.

Depends. Do the police work for the public, or are they instruments of corporate protection?

I found this in other coverage:

“If a flight is oversold, no one may be denied boarding against his/her will until UA or other carrier personnel first ask for volunteers who will give up their reservations willingly in exchange for compensation as determined by UA. If there are not enough volunteers, other passengers

That doesn’t necessarily mean anything. The courts tend to not enjoy contracts that you don’t get a chance to negotiate, and I doubt they would say you consented to assault by buying a ticket.

They are the ones who requested the action, and at no point do you see them protest or say, “that’s not what they meant.” They can try to claim they aren’t at fault, but there is a direct nexus between what the guy did, and what he was asked to do.

This is entirely an attempt to bolster his flailing and falling numbers by trying to get the american people to rally around a questionable war, as is their patriotic duty.

Actually, the last numbers that U.S. soccer released indicated that they generate more revenue than the men’s, and that they were paid a smaller share of the prize money that the team received. It’s been covered before here.

They typically dictate which characters they can use, and how, when they sign away those rights. Even though FX is owned by Fox, they are different companies with different projects and priorities. They have only publicly given them permission to use characters that haven’t been used elsewhere on their big screen

I have a family member that works for Customs and BP. She gets weekly requests from people asking if there is someway they can access their systems to see which of their “friends” are illegal immigrants. These emails (the ones she has shown me) almost always include reassurances that the sender is white, and US born.

I’m pretty sure he does - I remember running into him with my dad in the 90s, when we were coming out of a game at Roosevelt, maybe? I just remember thinking he was the biggest man alive, but he was very nice, and after my dad told me who he was, signed my Terps shirt. (In my defense, I was maybe 7.) But I’ve seen him

As I stated elsewhere, I’ve had to pursue legal action after I was fired because I mentioned a deployment. I used it as a type of discrimination that is widespread against males (as there aren’t that many forms of hiring discrimination in which being male makes you more statistically likely to face it.)