Fired, Aren't I

Mooch had a shorter reign than an actual Nazi.

and witnessing the birth of his new baby

The man lost his wife and his company over his buddying-up to Muamar Covfefe. His ex apparently hated the man, and he sold his company in preparation for a White House role (unlike the POTUS itself, who can't be bothered to even put it in a blind trust).

Oh I got him confused with Philip Roth, who most definitely is, and wrote "The Plot Against America," a speculative work about Charles Lindbergh winning the Presidency as the Nazis gained power in Europe.

the book was written by a woman, Margaret Atwood.

I'd like to point out that the difference between this show and "Man in the High Castle" and "Handmaid's Tale" is the latter two stories are told by those who would be oppressed and/or murdered by the regimes that have taken over (Jews and women, respectively). C.S.A. was also written and directed by a Black man.

An America where "slavery remains legal and has evolved into a modern institution."

I think a lot of 1970s "wood paneling" was just that

My understanding is that part of the charm of Atari 2600 era games is the limited technology and hardware on which they were played. They were meant to be played on primitive sound chips hooked up to CRT monitors - I'm not sure that just a pure software emulation will provide enough of a draw. But I think the console

"Grab 'em by the pussy."

He did. But he also rode in on a wave of populist white resentment from former "Dixiecrats," thanks to Lee "Welfare Queens" Atwater.

God, at least the first Bush was competent and (from what my liberal parents tell me) willing to work bipartisan. During the Dubya years, Dad said "I'd take the FIRST Bush over THIS one!"

I've noticed that. They've been releasing more detailed articles on the topic as the days go by. This could be just because they need to fact check things, or (and I wouldn't put it past them) they're putting out a little rope at a time, til he has enough to hang himself.

Or they say, "Well, *I* mighta done it TOO, what's the big deal [with colluding with a foreign agent to win an election]?"

"I'm against his Bart killing policy, but I support his SELMA killing policy…"

Franken seems to be this anomaly in that he's doing really well even though he didn't get his start in community organizing, law, etc.. But he's a really smart guy who has always been politically aware - running for elected office in a lower house doesn't seem too far fetched. I admit I was surprised he won, as he

Yeah, I'm with what seems to be a consensus around here.. enough entertainers as POTUS. I mean, at least Reagan had been a governor for years before he ran.


She's smarter than Palin. And honestly Palin might be a more principled person.

Yes, but would Bernie have won?