Fired, Aren't I

you mean ignoring him and pretending he's not there WON'T actually make him go away?!

The cutaway itself is brilliant, but the fact that it cuts back to Marge blinking at him while he's "doot-doot-doot"ing the circus march tune afterwards makes it genius.

That cutaway, the mocking of Garrison Kieler, The gag with the power sander- "Homer do we have a power sander Ruth could borrow?" "No" [pans down to see he's using it as a foot rest, while it's turned on] "That's one right there!" "Oh alright, but remember, it's MINE" [cuts to a closeup of the sander to show it's

Some of those early episodes had 2 minute scenes that crammed more cleverness and humor into them than an entire episode does today. The opening 5 minutes of "Marge on the Lam" ranks up there as some of my favorite television of all time.

"We Cram Fun Down Your Throat"

that IS a fun fact.


At least one professional cartoonist has told me they "dread" going to SDCC but have had to for work-related stuff.

mIRC oh MAN that takes me back.

"Wow, that's MUCH better."
"EVERYONE can enjoy THAT."

Goddammit Sean, I almost choked on my damn Apple Cinnamon Cheerios. Really.

He managed to make Endless Insults kinda the sizzle on top of the steak, which was the actual plot and depth of the characters, enough of which was revealed to make us somewhat care about them without getting too upset when they were fired/thrown under the bus somehow. It felt more like they were relying on the


Oh damn. I saw some photos of her from a little before that pic was taken, she looks really really thin. I also hope she can recover. It would be a shame to lose such a talented funny person, especially so young.

Jonah vs. Meyer? Un utterly incompetent man with white-populist leanings vs. a woman who is way more qualified? A candidate deemed too ridiculous to fail vs. one that has an actual shot? Gee, where have I seen THAT before..

Fair point.

I thought he was Jewish. *googles*…

I feel like things have gotten too broad and loud, for lack of a better word, this season. I know they had changed writers a season back, I think? But last season was top shelf stuff, so it might not be that. TV shows "age like dogs," as someone once said, which means around season 7-8 you're gonna be hitting your

My dad likes to put it thus: "They're the dogs that finally caught the car and have no idea what to do with it."

Pet Sounds is one of the greatest albums in rock history, yet still IMO largely under-appreciated by general audiences. It's been such an inspiring album to me that it's influenced a songwriting project or two of my own, especially since I feel such kinship with Wilson himself - struggling with mental illness and