Fired, Aren't I

Anybody else get the idea that all this outrage about "violence against the right" and "left wing violence" is really just right wingers saying "violently attacking the government?! But, .. but, that's OUR thing!!!!"

The weapon is their own voices, their own words.

Look, I have no room to judge the guy. This morning I followed up a dark HBO documentary with an episode of the 1980s Canadian show "The Littlest Hobo" that someone had uploaded to YouTube.

Uber is bleeding capital. They've been operating at a loss for years, because they artificially lower prices by subsidizing their rides. I don't know how well Lyft is doing either, but I do know Uber is losing money, and a LOT of it.

Hey fellow white people - our opinion on the use of that word DOES NOT MATTER. Black people are the ones who were denigrated with it, Black people are the ones who reclaimed it in certain parts of Black culture, and Black people are the ones STILL dealing with the systemic racism that spawned the word.

I love the episode where she takes the bridge exam and attains the rank of Commander. That's all post-uni-change I think.

Sirtis said she was so grateful to finally be wearing an actual uniform at long last and felt it added strength to the character. I agree 100%. I think that was like, their way to segue into that.

You're not being denied service. ANyway, I look forward to your outrage about these type of events as well, snowflake

Even Liberty DeVito? Drummer for Billy Joel's best songs????

1. Sexuality is a protected class in some places.
2. It would set a precedent that, in places where there ARE only 1 or 2 stores that provide a certain service, CAN discriminate and they would be left with no options.
3. Ladies Night at a theater for 2 screenings and not baking a cake at all are 2 completely different

Your metaphor only makes sense if they said "sorry, we can't bake the cake today at 7:30. It needs to be at 10am, 1:30, 2:45, 6pm, or 12am. Also we can bake it any time tomorrow. Or the next day."

Also, "Utopia U" is just clumsy writing. Like, I get the joke, but it really needed some workshopping.

Right. Or a place where people can be open about their experiences and hopes as a marginalized person without a fragile [probably white] dudebro chiming in with "um ACTUALLY TO BE FAIR I've never seen this actually happen so you're overreacting/lying/etc. and your experiences are next-to-irrelevant"

One side is oppressing the other. That side has to do a LOOOOOT more "respective adaptation." Cuz if you think those of us who've gone through the bullshit oppressive people have foisted upon us our entire lives HAVEN'T developed resilience, you haven't spoken to that much of us. A safe space is because we need a

Right, my first exposure to Safe Spaces was at my [public, southeastern PA] high school in 2000, where teachers posted signs that said "This is an LGBT Safe Space" on their doors.

Apparently a former reality TV star with dozens of media/TV/movie credits to his name is now POTUS. Yeah, I'd say that counts as "pop culture"

Isn't that just the Clap?

Whoa I was actually wondering about this as I watched those commercials. Cool.

Specifically Wahabbist Islam.
