Fired, Aren't I

Abedin's Relationship with Weiner Now Severed

Andrew is such an insufferable character. wouldn't surprise me if he was inspired by him


When Kimmy first encounters some college students speaking in exaggerated academic language and identity-politics terminology, it looks like the show is loading the same gun it shot its foot off with in last season’s “Kimmy Goes To A Play!” But the conclusions drawn about those characters are leavened by some

"Suit me up, Uncle Alfred!"

He knows comedy you guys. He cracked a SOLID joke about a male politician shedding tears by referencing the horrific murder of a transman. HA HA HA!

He was. This current season, the episode "Georgia."

I miss Sue. (She was Selina's old secretary, and one of the few non-white cast members)


Apparently a guy with deep Hollywood connections, dozens of IMDb credits, casinos, and a personal TV show under his belt is now POTUS.

that's absolutely fucked up, considering the fact that you're literally killing off parts of your body in an attempt to also kill off the thing that could kill you.

That's the thing - there are people in my life who have lost weight and are sick because of GI issues they haven't yet found a treatment for. Complimenting weight change of any sort is just fucked up. It's a personal issue with complex causes and effects, and it HAS NO BEARING ON YOUR OWN LIFE.

CNN is terrible, but Fox News is rancid trash. You're actually LESS informed watching Fox News than if you watch no cable news at all.

As broadcast history tells us, any show that feels like it needs to add "a precocious 10-year-old with a ‘constant twinkle of mischief in her eye" is proooobably on its way out.

I'm no Dunham fan but on this she's absolutely right.

As a cartoonist, I feel the pain of having to kill off a creation. I've never had to do it myself but that's just really sad. You lose a certain amount of control over your creations when you release them to the general public. It's the flip side to getting fame/notoriety. I hope I'm never forced to make this decision.

The Catholic Church, for one.

Well.. it's not about being naked for people to gawk at. It's about being naked cuz you wanna be naked..

They get their husbands/boyfriends to emotionally abuse the women while gaslighting them into thinking their love will save their husbands/boyfriends? Ooh la la

If anything you gotta BULK UP to kick ass. Not "think thin." So fucking bizarre. Only thing more rancid would be if they just said "fuck it" and made Wonder Woman a rom-com.