Fired, Aren't I

It is.

I don't want to punch that face, I want to knock it to the ground and thrust my booted foot through it

ba BOOM!

Also, all of Africa is a jungle, except some parts at the top which is a desert. The rest is jungle though

That's just.. ok I really do wanna see this made into a movie though, with the lion king coloring book discovery and all.

link if you can..

It's awkward for sure. It might be the only thing I think gets in the way of the flow.

Is he an undergrad TA? I thought he was a grad student.

Correct on all counts. They don't give a shit. It's just a strawman used to distract us from making any progress at home which would cause them to face uncomfortable truths about themselves.

In the movie he still is her TA, which I was like "why is nobody anywhere addressing this?"

I always enjoy pointing out that Muslim countries have had several female heads-of-state, while the US has had…. none. In fact we seem to loathe the idea so much we'll risk blowing up the earth to prevent it from happening.

interracial tensions and politics aside, isn't it a clear violation of ethics to be fucking your TA? (Gabe is the TA of a class she's IN, yes?)

The incestuous relationship between Norma and Norman made more sense romantically than anything having to do with Emma and Dylan and no, I'll never stop being pissed at the writers for throwing in that ridiculously forced subplot out of no where about 14 episodes ago. One or both of them should have been killed off in

"Isn't it so sad that Muslim countries are all like this?"

Don't really need to be determined at all. The show does that all on its own.

"Find it in her heart to forgive Dylan"?

I've given a lot of thought to the subject of whether or not I actually envy the rich and famous, or royalty, or the like. I've decided I don't. People in royal families (e.g., the Windsors) have every day of their lives planned out. They have no privacy and no real choice in life, save for abdication of position, and

This is a fascinating analysis. We often reveal things we never intended through our photos/artwork..

The thing about stories like those in Exodus is, the peoples described as living in Egypt at the time no longer exist. There are no more Pharaohs; even by Late Antiquity this era of Egypt was largely gone in favor of Hellenism. Additionally, Egyptian people as a culture are not blamed. The responsibility falls

Pharisaical teachings include such Jesus-attributed things as "man is not made for sabbath, sabbath is made for man" (as well as the fact that breaking the sabbath to save a life is not only allowed but REQUIRED) and "the greatest commandment is love your neighbor as yourself." The gospel writings claim "Pharisees"