Fired, Aren't I

Lucy noted later that she was drunk in rehearsals - so much so that they considered switching her for Gloria Swanson - but that on the day of shooting she nailed it. Danced the dang Charleston and everything.

It was too clever by half for me. But still, a decent shot.

I watched the episode of "Lucy" where she was basically fawned over the entire time as Hollywood royalty. It was treated with love and care and the audience apparently gave her a huge ovation.

Any use of the word "Pharisee" is basically slander against modern Jewry. Thanks to the gospel writings, it became synonymous with "hypocrite." Wikipedia has a good summation of the term and what it means to us historically.

Yeah, maybe Tucci really did that, but like you said about Joan being Christian Scientist, it doesn't need to be mentioned for realism's sake. We don't need to see him say "l'chaim" while belittling a director to know he's a colossal asswipe. And that's the thing - it implies that the more outwardly Jewish someone is,

Fun obscure ultra-personal fact! I use "So Long, Dental Plan!" as my go-to toast. This makes things especially interesting at Passover seders.


My mom once dropped a can on the ground by accident and I said "oh no, you don't want a dented can… …DENTED CAN" ..I'm sure I received a robust eye-roll in response

Yes. Bette likes the work, which means she'll always work. Joan likes being a star, and even then only in a certain way. I know the character Pauline and her script "The Black Slipper" (from a couple episodes ago) were fictional, but it demonstrates what Joan was after vs. what Bette valued. I could see Bette possibly

What about Mark Van Doren?

It doesn't negate any abuse, though. It just means a girl who would grow up to be a conservative Christian was abused.

Apparently he idolized William Castle, so I bet that's why they brought him on to play that in the cameo. Great cameo, he gets to play his idol, everybody wins.

She was using her supportiveness of the gay community as evidence for her being a terrible person? Look, the abusiveness, narssicism, and possible borderline personality disorder I believe. Leave it at that.

"Depth vs. Surface" is an apt summation of the two indeed. Bette's ending was much more dignified than Joan's - and probably happier, if you could call either of them happy in any way. Depth makes you stronger; the surface can too easily be stripped away til you're nothing.

There was nothing humble about that. I'm so incredibly proud of all of it.

…well.. yes. That's just how it is. For you, and for me.

Joan is such a tragic figure in this series. There's so much to unpack, outside the sheer camp of it all. But I'm gonna try.

Bill will NEVER be Crow to me. That's just how it is.

My friends are directly behind this. They're not listed by name but that's because they're working as a company, not individuals, I think. We met at a halloween party where I was dressed as Joel with Crow and Tom plushies (which I made myself, thankyouverymuch.)

I keep thinking of that line in one of the previous episodes - Bob saying [of Baby Jane's success] "Warner's gonna have a hard time hiding the profits on THIS one."