Fired, Aren't I

Oh ok. I still would've liked to see him in the ep, because he and Bette obviously developed a friendly relationship.

Yeah I was surprised about not having Buono either. I think he actually won, too.

I usually can't stand Murphy's direction but that shot was excellent.

ACTUALLY, people who point out racism are the REAL racists

The George Foreman Grill doesn’t so much grill, but steams.

Oh, I'm well aware. As a Jewish woman I'm a primo target for those appropriating philosemitic bastards.

He's a "non-denominational Christian" and worked for Jews for Jesus (aka, "pretend we're Jewish so we can convert unsuspecting Jews to non-denominational Christianity") for a time. Also rants about "Political Correctness."

why do these SJW cucks have to be all diverse and force diversity for the sake of diversity? Just put the normal people on the show. This would ruin it somehow. I can't explain HOW, but I know it would. Let the free market decide if Autistic people are worthy of some kind of human compassion, not Big Government funded

Arthur fucking rocks. In their 4th season (so like 2000 or so) they had an episode that parodied the styles of Dexter's Laboratory, Beavis and Butthead, Dr. Katz, and South Park, while also meta-skewering their own show. It's called "The Contest" and it's awesome.

ooh, Four Corners jackpot! That's always awesome to win that in Bingo

All the hard-core patriots bloviate about how amazing America is and then are so very shocked and outraged when people from other countries want to move here.


it's bizarre, he was like *briefly* in that category.

Maybe 3 precocious teen-idol-of-the-moment boys can help make it more accessible to the pre-pubescent set?

perhaps seek a safe space

Look out behind you, a Mexican is stealing your job!

Camp is Murphy's specialty, and if he's restrained himself enough to keep from shoe-horning in a Message of the Week into it, I think it could indeed be a career highlight.
(and in today's "anti-SJW" environment, I feel the need to emphasize that the messages aren't what's wrong with Murphy's productions - the

His direction is over-the-top. The episodes he directed I kept saying to the screen, "let the damn camera rest, for crying out loud! Movement does not automatically equal drama!"

I saw this on Netflix and watched it on a whim, because Gervais' "Office" character is just fascinating to watch, not unlike the way a train wreck is. There's no chance it would compare to "The Office" though; everyone going into it should expect that. I did enjoy it more than most viewers/reviewers seemed to. It was

Anyone make a "Character Actress Margo Martindale" joke yet? Something like, "Guess she got out on parole!" or "Guess she survived that shipwreck!"?