Fired, Aren't I

SJW PC Snowflake, thank you very much.

Someone who was just as awkward and schlubby as him when they were kids, but omg, she's all grown up and he's ready to give her a chance now that she's hot.

Good point, if that one time it turned out to be incorrect, everything else can probably be thrown into doubt

It doesn't matter how old they are if they look like they're 23.

Benghazi. Benghazi. Emails. Benghazi. Soros. Snowflake. SJW. Benghazi.

Sometimes they wear GLASSES! And have their hair in a PONYTAIL!

I thought of babysitters growing up to be more on the "cool" spectrum. As in, they'll let you stay up an hour later than your parents told them, Gets you a Choco Taco if you're running around outside and happen to cross the ice cream truck, or has a driver's license and will schlep you some place interesting instead

It's just another "schlubby manchild gets hot lady" fulfillment fantasy flick.

Still waiting for that comedy where a woman with Seth Rogen's "guy who sat behind you in Hebrew School" looks seduces a guy with Charlize Theron's "Dorian Grey's portrait is aging in my attic" looks.

My favorite part is when he walks around with a Mario Bros. "Chain Chomp" like he's walking his pet dog. It's just weirdly endearing and I can't explain why.

True story, I cried after beating it and I cried again after I read Nintendo's manga novelization of it.

Every time I see Mitch McConnell's face I want to punch it but fear it'll become a fleshy mass that will neutralize the blow and suck my fist further into it.

hmmmm. something tells me you DON'T actually love that.

Well, Bill didn't have to look far to find "common ground." Willmore already knows he and Milo are living on different planets.

They flouted non-discrimination laws by posting a roommate ad for a specific race and marital status?

Right but they played it off as "cute" and "endearing." Not disturbing. Aw, he murdered a bunch of drug lords to get her money for a transplant! HE CARES!

So, to sum up the Milo/GOP relationship:

I enjoyed just about everything in the show except Dylan's arcs; Emma (Norman's classmate) was a character that had so much potential as well but ended up just being shuttled off with Dylan at the end. Oh spoilers, Emma had initially dated/taken romantic interest in Norman, but for some reason it was necessary to

That wealth of onscreen representation is a luxury men have long enjoyed and it’s precisely what feminist critics are demanding—that women not be presented as token characters but as living, breathing human beings.

ha ha it's funny cuz American superhero comics were pretty much invented by Jews