Fired, Aren't I

Meh, as long as Brian Wilson steers LONG clear, I'll be disappointed but not heartbroken. Playing Trump's gig seems like a thing Mike Love would do with the permission of his own conscience.

Lena Dunham Blames Abortion Comment on Persona

[citations needed]

You don't even know what that word means but 'k

Mr. Garrison points out that PC Principal is just as responsible for putting him into power as anyone who actually agreed with Garrison’s agenda. He’s right.

Yes but the IMPORTANT thing is that in claiming "both sides are equally at fault" Parker and Stone can pretend to be superior to everyone else.

Replacing a serif font for sans-serif? There's NO way they'll be able to land on their feet after a decision like that.

and was a delight in both.

That makes 2 CW shows that actually approaches unplanned pregnancy the way in which a not insignificant number of women have approached it: voluntary termination of it. Paula wants to have a more fulfilling career. In fact, she seems born for it. She doesn't want more kids and has her hands full enough

It's not great when that "art" presents your people as hook-nose blood-thirsty god-killers.

"Enact Change" is in this context, indeed a "Social Justicing" phrase. If, for example, someone goes into certain Reddit forums and post "I want to enact change in the world!" they're probably not going to get proverbial pats on the back or fruitful discussion from that prompt.

From what I've observed, it's what people are when they stop focusing so much on doing things for white guys and try to lift up others who have been neglected (or even oppressed) in this great big human race. The white guys get upset and whine about it.

"When a civilization has become so big,” he says, “it starts to get lazy.” At that point, it’s easier to revel in the halcyon days of the past than actually try and enact change in the present.

A friend of mine said:

What I'm witnessing here is people reacting to an episode that seems pretty clear in its meaning with "well what they ACTUALLY mean is something that matches my point of view."

Didn't say that.

I wondered what would happen when South Park put the shoe on the other foot - that is, mocking guys on the internet - considering how the anti-feminist/MRA/alt-right crowd was cheering last year's mocking of "PC culture." It looks like the answer is this comments section. I'm loving it right now.

It might actually run better, if the best think you guys can think of doing on your time off is sit at home and play Call of Duty.

Please exercise that responsibility as much as you can. You, as a man, have so much power in this society. And if you're a white man, ho boy, you've hit the jackpot. Exercise that power, now that you have the knowledge. Too many people in comments sections would cry "#NOTALLMEN, you SJW whiner" instead of actually

Listening to that tape, Billy Bush strikes me as the kinda guy who's that twerp in the Middle School circle of friends. You know, the one who's a lot shorter than the others cuz he still hasn't gone through that second-to-last growth spurt, and wants to be cool so he tries really hard to fit in by trying way too hard