Fired, Aren't I

Deleting Emails = Bragging About Sexual Assault = Bone Cancer

Um, actually, ALL movies matter.

But, to me, it seems like the backlash has led to an opposite viewpoint that's just as dogmatic, i.e., if there's a stoner stereotype I think of now, it's the self-righteous pothead who swears up and down that there's no consequences to any level of marijuana-use, and usually has an argument about how he actually

What's better, an F+ or a D-?

Being a mediocre white guy in Hollywood will get you a lot of mulligans



No joke, they literally did an episode where that happened.

"When I was a kid, those things weren't called 'racist.'"

Yes, Patton's still on board. Sorry it took so long to get back to you, everybody involved is so busy.

Harris herself was not charged, although the investigation revealed that she was actually born in Los Angeles and that her Jamaican persona was just that—an act.

I can ask yeah.

I'm close friends with the behind-the-scenes team that has been making this happen (none of their names are mentioned here and you probably wouldn't know them anyway) and it's surreal to see it actually come to fruition. Like, I've been friends with them for 8 years or so and I've been watching this thing hatch from a

make sure to watch the episode where Diane gets high while stoned for extra meta effect.

Todd being asexual was amazing. Diane actually going through with an abortion is awesome. Like, the way they did it. They both wanted to abort, there was some back and forth in the plot about abortion itself, then she did it. No swaying between "well MAYBE I'll keep it" or pivoting to a cliche storyline of

It's kinda like the phrase, "Access to abortion shouldn't be dependent upon whether or not you're a GOP politician's mistress."

So much for the party of "personal responsibility." I guess that only becomes a thing when they want to blame poor people of color for being born into a system they defend that actively disenfranchises them, despite any John Henry-esque efforts.

You win.

It's an interesting idea and I think it could be used in another way in a different story, but as someone else pointed out, Zootopia's message was more about "benign" bigotry or "soft" bigotry, the kind inherent in society that is difficult to see (and therefor more easily ignored by those with privilege and power).

offer not available in Arizona, it gets hotter than a coyote's ballsack there