Fired, Aren't I

What I thought was great was how Nick felt he had no hope of getting away from society's bigoted views toward foxes as being sly and sneaky, so he just made that his life as the path of least resistance. Look at how hard Judy had to work to prove herself worthy of being on the force, a place society told her she

I think the movie we got holds up a better mirror to the racism in modern (American) society than the movie with the shock collars would have been. Racism isn't only couched in blatant hatred, but also in microaggressions — and that was the racism that this movie depicted, microaggressions and the sort of prejudice

I'm oppressed by this comment and I demand you delete and apologize, and I think I speak for every single person here without exaggeration.

Good point, glad they took all the unpleasant things out of Zootopia to keep kids sheltered with their participation trophies and organic lunchboxes. Keeping the complex fear-mongering political scheme, meth lab parody, musings on innate animal nature vs. evolved existence, and inherent societal bigotry could've been

Come on, Disney, no need to go FULL Pixar on us.

fucking nope

Love her. I'm in.

I heard they tried to get her to change it when she first went into show business, but she refused. She was born "Kristi," apparently, and changed that to "Kristin." I wouldn't have thought.

The Passion of the Christ II: On the Jews and Their Lies
co-produced by Martin Luther

This entire comment string up was perfect.

Ah, ok. I found this relevant:

haha, I always wondered about the "and" spot! Is it just so that it's the last name on everyone's mind? Are we more likely to notice it because of "and"? I wouldn't be surprised if that were true.

I enjoy snark as much as the next person - "ha ha, the movies already have familial death and limb-chopping" - But… so did "Finding Nemo." (Ok we don't see that one fish's fin get mangled, but we know how, why, and what it looks like). In "Frozen," we SEE the ship of Elsa and Anna's parents capsize and then the

I don't think that's accurate re: Buffy. Willow became a real fan favorite pretty early on. When the writers wanted to get an episode the undivided attention of the fans, apparently they would do what they called "PWIP" - "Put Willow In Peril."

Well I hope she NEVER stops doing the Comic-Con circuit.

Boy, does he.

I was in the single-digits during that time and my memories are fuzzy, so I don't know how much was being syndicated and where - however I do know that there weren't as many places to PUT syndicated shows (even first-run stuff), and less dead air to fill up, so it wouldn't surprise me if a void actually were being

4 writers? My guess is that probably indicates it got passed around from writer to writer in an attempt to "improve" what was probably originally a god-awful script, based on a god-awful idea. This happened with the Super Mario Bros. movie, and we all know what happened to THAT one.

The problem I have with the backlash is they planned the ending in the SECOND SEASON. I don't know if they shot the whole thing, but they definitely had it written and they at least shot the parts with the kids reacting (cuz I mean.. 9 years will take a preteen well into adulthood… they'd probably wanna get that in

[triumphantly holds up can labeled "Gum and Nuts, together at last!"]