Fired, Aren't I

Oh, totally on my celebrity crush list. She's just adorable and I think she has real screen charisma.

Well, in the late 80s/early 90s when (I believe) it started, the sitcoms airing were then 25-35 years old (so, late 50s/ through late 60s)… The margin hasn't decreased THAT much; I think now it's 20-25 year-old shows…

Yeah, I know a similar woman. Had a crush on her even, and this was probably one of the things that let me know we weren't meant to be. Really nice and smart person, it's just… man, what a disappointment on the taste-in-TV front.

If the documentary "An Open Secret" taught me anything, it's that the producers/directors hold the cards. The agent is trying to get paid/keep clients, the parents are trying to play the game of Hollywood (and not necessarily for nefarious self-serving reasons. Maybe they just, I dunno, wanna encourage their kid to be

+10 for the headline alone.

It gets exhausting. On my social media it's clear I'm a female; that comes with its own hazards. Here it isn't evident as much, so I probably don't get as much of the brunt of alt-right chandom. Sometimes I wonder if it's worth it to even try. It's good you do think it is, because sometimes I just don't.

I applaud your conviction that the people who need to engage in this exercise actually do have cogent thoughts regarding these issues.

I'm certain the comments will be 100% intelligent and not at all dismissive of anyone's life-long experiences living in a certain type of culture

"Vote against Trump or else we really WILL have to use eugenics to keep the dumb people from reproducing too much"


Virtually ALL the Golden Age Comics artists were Jewish. It makes me proud to think I'm continuing a tradition of my people.

Since nearly the entire mainstream Overall Comics Universe was created by Jews (Stan Lee, Bob Kane, Joe Schuster, Jerry Siegel, Jack Kirby…), maybe that's why he shied away.

["Evil Socialist"] Basic Income.

What will happen if the min. wage is raised? Uh, see Europe. Duh. This shit ain't new, and it's not "apocalyptic." There will be more automation and more robotic "workers" doing menial tasks.

I mean… a female character scrapped because "it won't sell toys" is fucking bullshit.

Tina Fey once described him as an "impressionist painting." He doesn't have every little mannerism or voice in place, but when you step back and look at it, he's rendered the character.

What is, "LIGHT Urple?"

Pam Brady has produced some really "meh" work (nope, not one of those that thinks everything Matt & Trey cranks out is a gem), so I hope this turns out better than say, "Neighbors from Hell."

Michael getting shot (Dying?) felt like a real blow, because on screen he and Jane seem so right together, so relaxed and in love, and in sync - Raf has drama and Jane doesn't deserve to be in the middle of all that - co-parenting is enough!

Yeah but they made Maleficent to remedy that! (Which I loved, cuz Maleficent is awesome)