Fired, Aren't I

Yeah, I think they actually ran a short special on how that was made! Miniatures and camera work, of course; CGI was too expensive then. Really fascinating stuff.


He apparently still has a satellite biz in Florida. I called the number and left a message, saying I was interested in talking to him, you know.. just for the hell of it, since I'm a geek for this stuff.. but never got a call back. oh well.

I know, so cute that a sheltered 18 year old girl is dating the (former) drug dealer brother of the guy she fucked (and probably also loved). He's been running in and out of violent cartels; she's been chained to an oxygen tank… SO ADORBS!!

LOL I fast-forward too. So boring and also fucked up.

I'm fascinated by the therapy sessions, Norman's subtle yet sudden coming into his own, and Norma's loss of control over him. I also love that the lines between what we know are Norman's delusions and what we know is reality are starting to be blurred. Romero's subplots are kinda "meh" to me, but he's such a cool

Jeez, it's like there's a cottage industry of bros making "adult TV" with children's show characters.



… oh. by the way betch, FUCK YOOOOOUUU


I saw this back when I was in art school and all the kids who were into avant-garde and performance art media/video stuff were going nuts. I wasn't as obsessed as they were but I thought the filming of it was clever and the song was hilarious enough to put on my iPod.

I think a spambot accidentally made its way in here

Well at least SOMEONE here knows I'm a winner.

The fact that people can even single out those few-and-far-between incidents only proves the point.

It woulda saved me like 45 seconds.

So he knows how to create a successful product. Good for him.

Guess you got nothin' then. I mean, I already knew that but I just wanted to see you confirm.

I'm hoping to see more pieces like this if only it'll flush out all the pissed off "SJW"-haters/GamerGators/MRAs/Republicans in the comments section. Yup, you're becoming increasingly irrelevant, boys! (and token girls!)

Broadway can make money with music that has a pop music feel. Look at all the jukebox musicals. Look at Wicked (whose music I really like, full disclosure).

Also, "Shallow Hal" came out 15 years ago. Anything more recent you can think of? A looooooot of movies have come out since then.

So it's okay to be a fat guy as long as you're playing a fictional character in movies or on TV. No biggie if it doesn't play that way in real life.