Fired, Aren't I

A guy writes a musical as a self-insert star vehicle for himself with a decent story and songs that sound like they could be on FM radio, then makes a ton of money for himself because it turns out to be a hit. Yes it's great they got POC to tell a "white" story. But color me "meh" with this whole situation.

Link or it didn't happen.

I'm really disappointed you used "sheep" and not "sheeple."

Yeah. Kinda. Call me when it starts to happen on a regular basis.

It's a lot easier than you think on the internet. Especially in the comments section of pieces like this.

Glad to see when it affected you personally it changed your mind.

"Outrage culture is deplorable. Except things that outrage me personally. Then it's not outrage culture, it's justifiable protest."

Oh sorry, guess I should've used a trigger warning so you wouldn't have gotten offended. Or wait, used "Spoiler Alert" instead cuz that seems to work much better on dudes

Correct, he's not Zach Effron. As an example, Kevin James landed Rosario Dawson in that stupid-ass Zookeeper movie.

Sounds like someone needs to retreat to their Safe Space where they can't get offended by people deigning to write pieces that challenge how you see things.

This article is about the unjust scrutiny women have. Fat men might be looked down upon, but you guys still score the "hot chicks" in movies and media. You're still made the hero of stories. Those same "oafs" still have what are considered "hot wives" on TV.

ooooh I just got "actually"ed. That totally disproves MY experience, then

Aw, someone's bitter they're viewed as a trollish contrarian instead of "the only rational adult in the room." So sad.

Oh look, a ton of dudes talking about how women are overreacting and then dismissing our concerns about how we're portrayed in the media. "I don't see size, so why are YOU obsessed with it?"


I actually agree with this here. On the surface the OT seems like that, but it's also so fucking dense (it could take years to comb through Genesis alone, considering how many Hebrew language puns and double entendres are present) that it really does defy that description.

Technically it's not different versions of Yahweh, as YHVH didn't start occurring as the dominant name for God until Exodus. There's also Elohim, etc.

"I'm not SAG, but I assume this is a non-union shoot and therefor shouldn't be an issue."

First of all, highly disapointed they didn't make the title God's Still Not Dead.

Boobs: Nature's Wallet!