Fired, Aren't I

If "Outa left field" doesn't describe 'Heavy Boobs,' I dunno what does. I was shocked at the sudden turn and amazed at what it pulled off. Bloom managed to make a song about boobs from a woman's perspective that is hilarious and so damn on point WITHOUT falling into the traps of sexing it up for shock value. Yes

This thing is 2 and a half hours long?!


nah just the abusive asshole stalkers


I think these are traits many "nice guys" have - they only seem nice when they're with the girl trying to get what they want. After it's clear she's not interested, truer colors show.

Yeah, he was wrong. That's like saying if it's a Jewish article you HAVE to say "G-d" instead of "God" even if you're not Jewish and the article is in a secular publication. (besides, not even all Jews use "G-d"; I don't, because my theology finds no real meaning in it.)

That reminds me of the struggles the early Jesus Epic filmmakers had - One of them had like 11 hours of edited footage, or something? There's a reason it takes the religiously observant a year to get through the Torah alone (speaking from a Jewish perspective)

also, I know you were probably just trolling for lulz, but here is an actual list of Muhammed movies (although most are not specifically 'Hollywood' productions)…

nah, you won't. In the Jewish-Muslim forum I'm a part of people don't get in trouble at all for that.

I would genuinely love to see that, made by a Muslim person who doesn't have any issue depicting the Prophet in the flesh. Movies have been made about him without even showing his presence - The Last Prophet, which can be seen on YouTube, comes to mind - and dramatic epics have been done before. "Omar," a 30(!)-part

Yeah, I think it's not real. And there's a chance the "trip" isn't on an actual airplane. I'm psyched for the next few episodes…

I'm thrilled that Darryl's bisexuality is not sex-act based. He has a crush on White Josh, that's how he realized. They've kissed twice. We know Darryl is bi because he passionately declares it in song. Not because he's having sex with multiple partners in a season on screen. This is unique.

I have a question about this ep - I saw the preview for the next episode, and this review mentioned "fantasy airplane therapy" - are they saying the doctor isn't ACTUALLY there on the plane and is just a delusion in Rebecca's mind?

"Gettin' Bi" wasn't a song that blew my mind, but it expressed things about bisexuality so succinctly and bluntly that never do on a TV show (or movie), that need to be said. Daryl is the type of bisexual character on TV that is rarely shown - well, maybe he's the first one.

Wherever it is, it takes 5 hours to get there. That's how long they said the plane ride is.

This. This is the episode I was waiting for. This is the result of last week's episode I wanted.

Who's "us," again?

I'd offer you some Xanax, but I need it for my flight and I wouldn't want to get in the way of your hobbies.

If anybody is wondering why all the lesbians are pissed off, read this AfterEllen article. After dealing with this shit for decades (even from supposed ally Joss Whedon in 2002) we're pretty fucking sick of it.…