Fired, Aren't I

You find it beyond absurd probably because you haven't read anything about why we're pissed. This AfterEllen article gives some info that the writers/producers could stand to take in. And this is only up to 2014.…

I'll give it a couple more episodes - I had a friend who thought Crazy Ex-Girlfriend was against medicating mental illness because the pilot had the main character throw away her pills in favor of a trip across the country, but the series has shown it's never that simple.

See, THIS is the kind of response I was hoping to see, after people said to give it a chance beyond the pilot. Not a capslock tantrum. I appreciate the analysis and am glad you can see it from my perspective.

I saw its face, and WOW.

Cool your jets, Mauve Avenger.

I'd *LOVE* to see "The Patakis" happen. I always thought there's so much potential there.

This is exactly what I want to see, except I'd hope Greg doesn't become hopelessly bitter.

Why are you so invested in Josh and Rebecca being an OTP in a show about how destructive obsession with having a significant other you barely know can be on one's life? Why does the idea of Rebecca ending up without Josh (without anyone, possibly) so offensive to you?

See, I don't want this show to be the typical "who ships whom" show. I mean, that's going to happen to any show no matter WHAT, but I want to see is it become a show with no canon (or close-to-canon) OTP pairing. I want it really to force Rebecca to see she's not going to just automatically find happiness just because

What I want to see is Rebecca realizing that "getting" Josh doesn't result in the happiness she thinks it does, that they ultimately have little in common, she gets bored, and still - in the end - unhappy. And it forces her to work on her issues.

I loved the direction the 2nd season took. It went from goofy "who gets to fuck whom and how can I trick people into doing that? har har!!" to semi-serious "oh shit, all of our canned goods are expiring and there is no other food except maybe crickets."

Good job. You've made yourself look like an idiot.

Yup, gay men can be dudebros. Intersectionality!

Maybe vacuum your keyboard; the caps-lock got stuck for a little bit there.

I know, it was the first song they did I actually enjoyed so much I went and bought it.


I mean, thing is, I love the rest of the characters. It's cliche to talk about "diversity" but it's refreshing to see people on TV that ordinarily get shut out. I really want this show to be GOOD. Having watched Parks & Rec right from episode 1 to the finale, I do remember that. I'm hoping you're correct in your

I thought about this, and technically they only need to convince *one* of the Olsen's to come back for the reboot, not "The Olsen Twins™."

maybe it's Bob Saget

If the relationship between him and the manager is one of "I'll wear you down with my cuteness" then I'm not interested. This is not a couple that should end up together because it would only justify his behavior in the first episode.