Fired, Aren't I

The pilot ended with her APOLOGIZING for not loosening up and seeing his "beautiful moments". And ended with basically a set up for a romantic "will they won't they" scenario. Not interested if that's the premise of this show.

So, at the risk of being called an SJW feminazi, I'm going to explain why I stopped watching after the first episode, because it isn't being said often enough.

me too :) I think because AV Club recommended it and I gave it a shot..

(Philadelphian here) I think outside Germany we're the ones who have per-capita the most pretzels per citizen. Or something. It's a lot. A live down the road from a pretzel factory and you can go there in the middle of the night when they're shipping everything out to the stores and stands and buy them.

I watch it every week!!

If Mel had made it he would've made Mad Max sacrifice himself for the good of all humanity in a brutal act *coincidentally* resembling a crucifixion and/or classic martyrdom death popular in medieval [Catholic] legend.

"dial 1-800-DOCTORB! The 'B' is for BARGAIN!"


I've been watching it so far and I liked it. It's too white and skinny for my taste but Jane Lynch worked well and I liked the ambiguity of the "angel vs. crazy person" motif. It was definitely a fresher take than "2 broke girls" and "Big Bang Theory." (how are those two still fucking on?)

Yeah pay was on a commission basis for their employees. That might work for people who aren't tech savvy, but for those who go in to buy games and lighter consumer electronics, you're 1) not going to be able to up-sell them on a new Dell and 2) will probably lose them as a customer for bugging them anyway.

You're reasonable to have a cynical outlook on it, but maybe (MAYBE) they'll use it as an opportunity to test out these new types of dolls without being accused of being too wishy-washy about it. Technically they're releasing new dolls. And if they don't work out they'll be shelved. But I hope this trend continues.

"Used to be a Circuit City." That reminds me of the slang term "UTBAPH" which stands for "Used to be a Pizza Hut." It's used out in Pittsburgh when locals give directions. I'm pretty sure you can guess why. Thanks, 99pi Podcast!…

It's funny you say that because a former Borders in Bryn Mawr has become a sometimes Halloween Store, and in that area we're talking prime real estate. I don't know why real businesses haven't moved in. Retail and restaurants are all over that part of town, so it's not like it's a depressed area.

I love they way they put it, too - opening stores in "affordable yet densely-populated real estate markets."

Yes but we need to appeal to the whi— er, upscale middle class market. I'm thinking "Circuit Suburb"

Hmm, I like the direction you're going in, but it's a little too big of a change…How 'bout "Circuit County."

It was a high-pressure commission biz until some time in the 2000s when they realized Best Buy was beating them to bits, and changed course by essentially copying them. I think they mostly sold high-end equipment, so it made SENSE to have sales people trying to sell you - but specializing in that manner became

Only if they bring back that rockin' 2-step "technology with a heart" jingle and the Gigantic Plug from Heaven in their commercials.

I think we've found a scientific formula for porn tie-ins. Oh, these remarkable times in which we live.

So, they WANTED the reboot to happen, yes? I mean, that's predicated on being to get BOTH of them to come back to the show. It's like they said "well we want both of them, but lets only put in the effort to get one of them. We could probably work our way around that, yes?" I mean, what was going through their brains??