Fired, Aren't I

I disagree.

"Rosie is a monster" stories?

… [loud whisper] I think he's talking to you

pretty much my exact thought

Or maybe "The Thompsons"

Damn, I need some balm after reading that headline.

They're often really good, they're just not white straight men mostly under the age of 30.

There was also a mention of a "clone army," but made it seem as though that were just a type of stormtrooper army rather than 100% all stormtroopers are clones. Which I liked. It gives them a lot more depth, and now we have Finn.

I'm not that well read regarding the workings of the Tannerverse

Seems legit.

So… Steve is dead? DJ basically lost her mother at a tender age and her husband at a tender age. This show is dark.

See? the characters are so ubiquitous you were able to come up with satirical ways of describing them. I can't even mock Avatar characters in an in-depth manner. It's just "racialized blue alien furries" and "military guy white messiah."

Avatar has had what, 5 years to develop the same? Nobody's bothered. Because nobody cares and it's not compelling. Hell, are there even any Avatar toys? Star Wars toys were hugely popular in 1978. Where are all the kids dressing up as Jake Sully? Or one of those blue meerkat things? Or.. villain military guy?

Name 3 characters from Avatar.

Oh, and Starz to produce a show called Chicks.

Obvious troll says what?

That's why I wish more women and people of color had more of the production power, because we'd see these same methods of subversion from different points of view, and the possibility that gender and racial stereotypes occur is greatly reduced.

Hey, you're the ones who raised us. Guess where the blame lies.

Yeah funny how the disenfranchised that have virtually no power, influence, or representation in a certain industry can also be their biggest obstacle within it. Like Schrodinger's Token Character or something.