Fired, Aren't I

I gave my own sarcastic response above, but I tried to pack the metaphorical man with a little more metaphorical straw than usual.

I believe Schumer has apologized for certain previous jokes she said she made before she knew a little better. They weren't exactly Eddie Murphy 1980s "f****t" jokes, but they apparently weren't great, and she said something about how she's not too up her own butt to learn from her own use of PROBLEMATIC (that WORD

yeah "both ends" really are equally cray. That's why one side wants to put Ay-rabs in a database "for safety" and the other side gets upset when bullshit stereotypes get air time.

oooooooh ok. I was unclear that Tina Fey was the noun to "weak sauce"s adjective.

Dating site for train workers

The problem? White (straight) male can be right, can be wrong, can be good, can be evil, can even be racist and murderous, no one would say anything, other than maybe "oh it's white (straight) male again."But if you do anything slightly out of the comfort zone with minority characters, people started crying foul. And t

Why can't people just make jokes anymore without minorities and transf*gs and redskins getting upset anymore? The fuck? I'm 1/10th Cherokee and I thought the jokes were hilarious. My dog is probably transgingered too cuz she always pees standing up. Also my buddy Kareem is totally cool with me saying "negro" around

Wait, how much is "one tiny bit" again? Do you have some statistics? Otherwise, it's just some white person once again talking about how "those people are overreacting."

hah! "Kiss-assy" is also how I'd describe it

I dunno, I hear the reports of his death have been greatly exaggerated.

The Ninjas Three.

that might be the actual name of the impending sequel.

wow, finally some good developments from this Sandler/Netflix deal.

more like SADDLE-R, AMIRITE?!

Can't complaimis.

Yes. Yes she could. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if she already has.

as opposed to Xena.

Good God, just give us a new script. A new story. Something. ANYTHING. Something that's NOT based on a previously existing property.

(also, it was like 25 years ago… memory's spotty)

I also loved Square One Radio