Fired, Aren't I

I was raised on Sesame Street reruns from the 1980s, and I don't remember Elmo having a very dominant presence but he did stand out to me as being a main character, and one of the characters I could point out best (others being Big Bird, Oscar, Bert and Ernie, Grover, The Count). But I don't remember Elmo being

"i love that show."

People said "hella"?

This might be a great one, but I'll always sing the praises of pants.

"Hey, there's no tradition like a NEW tradition!"

"wait, you spell it SANTA claus, but you SAY it 'SANTY' claus."

If you ever get bored or tired of this song, just listen to the bassist. They have a really hip part that's fun to listen to.

I thought exactly the same thing about the "seriocomic balance." They need more episodes like this.

Not thrilled about his latest twitter rants.

The South Park threads are over yonder.

People often forget women built Hollywood into its Golden Age. Without brilliant women like Mary Pickford, we wouldn't have the Hollywood we have now.

It's tricky because gays bisexuals and lesbians (which I'm one) spent decades proving our attractions are inborn, and conservatives responded with "well are PEDOPHILES 'born that way'??" Meaning inborn sexuality in their view shouldn't excuse, for example, not being sent to jail for having a crush on the girl at work

Make Homer something something.

I feel like this is the kind of thing made for a Kimmy Schmidt moment.

Free speech means being exposed to points of view you don’t always agree with, points of view you may even find hateful. Just as it’s everyone’s right to publish their opinion (especially in an op-ed piece), it’s everyone else’s right to speak out against it. But it’s no one’s right to silence it.

I love Carly's featured role in Gene Belcher's "Work Hard, or Die Tryin', Girl."

Well, Carly and I did date for a bit, and she cited my vanity as being one reason. So she might be singing about me - wait a second, she's also saying I'm so vain that I couldn't HELP but think this song is about me! But, but— I was trying to own up to my flaws, not further entrench my vanity! DAMN YOU CARLY SIMON AND


Oh god, if ONLY.

My favorite screen couple. I am genuinely excited for this and I haven't watched SNL in years.