Fired, Aren't I

They were in the 90s. Now the 90s are the new 70s. But this one decided to surprise us! Cutting edge.


Murg blurg flurg murg burg… lurg flurg burg.

She's repeatedly rewarded for perpetuating her narratives of abusive teen bullshit and Mozart is buried in a pauper's grave.

Probably. Too bad, cuz we have a lot of awesome symbols and ritual objects.

I think it's interesting the milkman (well, I guess it would be milk delivery person) didn't get edited out, but then neither is it really mentioned in the old version. I guess it could be changed to a FedEx truck or Xfinity van or something.

I like that. The only thing I"m not crazy about is the Hannukah thing. Trust me, we Jews don't really care that Hannukah isn't as big as Christmas. It's ok. We know how to do Hannukah, you don't have to pretend we're left out in some way. Christmas is totally your thing, goyim. We're good.

"Warrior's drink."

Oh, he didn't want to return to THAT pile? I wonder why

Thing is, I like his character design (minus the tongue I guess…) It's his mannerisms and vernacular that bug me. If he wasn't a modern day Sambo constantly mugging for the camera, he could be a good character. Something much more low-key. He could still be the comic relief in some way, but it would need to be subtle.

Cuz…. you are what you eat? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

That works just great. Except when someone's "opinion" is actually a malicious threat, or a malicious act itself (doxxing, e.g.). There's no "both sides" to this. One side deigned to criticize current video game culture and openly advocate the advancement of feminism in media, as well as broader representation.

Also, I tend to believe that women are allowed to have their own unpopular opinions without being accused of being tokens or sock puppets at the mercy of men.

See JMP's comment below. They say it better than I could.

Except that at least one female artist I know got doxxed by anti-GamerGate people because she made fun of them on a personal blog and got let go from their job after they got deluged with messages about how dangerous of a person she was. These tactics are used by the supposed "right side" too. Also, being a combative

When I'm sick I watch movies I like and sleep. And sometimes take walks. Maybe try that.

Let's see: one side wants games to be more representative of the spectrum of humanity, to appeal to more gamers that aren't young white bros, and also get fewer games to treat women like straight-outa-Vivid fuck-puppets the dude characters win as they play the game. Sometimes they use colorful language to get their

Reminds me of "zero tolerance" policies at school. If a kid started wailing on you at my old high school, and you tried to stop it, or pin them until a teacher came, you'd both get suspended for "being involved in a fight." It's just a lazy ass excuse to avoid making hard decisions.

We can't even Name The Thing. That's how bad it is. I hope they all know they've created MORE Social Justice Warriors as a result of their dumbfuckery than there were previously. Cuz now we're all aware of just how rotten and festering their corner of the web is.

Women get paid more than men in two places: Modeling and porn. Which pretty much sums up where our value is measured, doesn't it.