Fired, Aren't I

What? Women are props. Next you're going to demand we pay the blue screen a salary. Get off our backs.

It's LEVELS upon levels.

The word "cunt" is one I assign to very few people. Ayn Rand is one of 'em.

..that was a quote from SP's previous "cake" episode. It was referenced in the article.


Why can't all libertarians be like you?


I love how she always included "artists" in her bullet-list of "worthies." She WAS aware that creatives (which includes writers as well as artists) are some of the most economically trodden-upon when it comes to American society, yes? There's a reason "starving artist" is a well-worn colloquialism.

The charity shaming one was great. The "safe space" one… no. As long as there are real humans in danger of committing suicide because dumbfucks think it's hilarious to fap while doxxing them, safe spaces are needed.

This one really missed the mark, and after watching some episodes from last season, it feels even more so. I get that Matt and Trey "make fun of everyone equally blah blah blah" but they're also held up as the guys who "go there" and "say what we're too polite to say". Talk about "having your cake and eating it too."

that's an amazing story.

[googles sugar gliders] OMG SO CUTE AAAAAHH

What most gun nuts who argue this don't realize is that there WAS a Jewish resistance movement. But as someone else said above, they were opposing a highly trained deadly professional military.

Oh, "Red Dawn" isn't a docu-drama?

And that really says something, considering porn is largely made for those to then engage in self-service.

But if they WERE, you can bet they'd be "a real black" because apparently Rupert Murdoch doesn't take kindly to those "fake blacks" that end up president.

i was a kid when i first saw Scrappy. I was like… NO.

I love it. You're speaking my language.

I don't think enough statistics exist for him to analyze (or ANAL-yze), on that matter.

Perhaps Trey and Matt should take a look at Nate Silver's analyses and take a breath. None of this is new.